Welcome to another post of 'Stories of Entertainment'.
Dear god, do I have an addiction to free to play MMO, 'League of Legends'.
Brief history check: 'League of Legends' was developed by Riot Games, with former DOTA (Defense Against the Ancients) designer Steve 'Guinsoo' Feak and former DOTA administrator Steven 'Pendragon' Mescon. Using the base of DOTA as a launching point, 'League of Legends' was born and soon released in October of 2009. As of now, it has a fanbase of millions all over the world, competing for prestige and pleasure.
One of the features I like about the game is it's robust champion selection. As of now, there are over 90 different champions to select from. For this post, I'm counting down to my Top 10 Favorite 'League of Legends' Champions.
Now, let me explain the rules for this specific list:
1. This deals with champions up to the release of Lulu, the Far Sorceress.
2. These are all personal picks, not an official list.
3. I'm focusing more on character design and back story, NOT gameplay.
4. Also, character design would be based on their original skin, NOT alternate skins.
5. This is just for fun and shouldn't be taken too seriously.
10. Brand, the Burning Vengeance
"Anger management classes won't touch this guy"
Kicking off this list is a guy who puts new meaning to the phrase 'short fuse'. Brand's background makes him an interesting villain, since I doubt a name like that would inspire heroism. Its confirmed that he is a spirit that deals with fire and destruction, though its exact origins makes him hard to pin in the timeline. Is he a slain warrior during the Rune Wars, or is he something far more vicious and destructive? Hard to really say.
As for design, I'm a sucker for the 'rock-body-and-volcanic-veins' look. It fits the character just right for his fire theme. The pants stand out a bit and make me question why a personification of destruction would want to wear pants. Probably for modesty's sake.
9. Riven, the Exile
"How could this happen to me? I made my mistakes..."
Riven is quickly becoming one of my favorite female champions, having recently gotten into the Top 10. Her story is one of sadness and loyalty. As a Noxian, he quickly grew through the ranks with her strength and skill with a massive longsword. During one invasion, she was so disgusted by her fellow Noxian's tactics, she fled the army and broke her sword, severing her ties to Noxus. While she believes in the ideals of her former nation, she plans to reform it and put an end to its corruption.
Her design fits her character well, having become a traveler and wanderer for quite a while now. Torn and lopsided armor, with a tanned skin and white hair, helps make her stand out with the other female champions. Her sword, while still broken, is quite capable of slaying her foes still, especially once its magical properties reforge itself once more in combat.
8. Viktor, the Machine Herald
"Dude's got a killer high-five."
Viktor is proof how pursuing science can lead to unfortunate ends. However, his current life was caused due to lack of recognition and inventions being stolen. After that incident, he decided to shed himself of his organic part and become full machine. He's a reverse Pinocchio of sorts, rather than become more human, he became more machine. A bit tragic, but still very threatening.
His design combines a sleek look not usually seen in scientists, plus different obvious augmentations to his body through 'hextech'. For added strangeness, he has a third, mechanical arm sticking out of his back that fires out a laser beam from its palm. Truly, Viktor is a sight to behold.
7. Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard
"Was last seen in 'God of War 3' as a boss"
Skarner is from a race of crystal beings hiding beneath the earth, using magic to fuel their lifestyle. However, the Rune Wars started to quickly kill off this race, forcing them to hibernate beneath the ground till it was safe for them to rise once more. Skarner is, like his title says, the vanguard of the his race. His combination of ferocity in combat and intelligence makes him a hard, yet interesting, character to watch in action.
His design is, of course, based on a crystallized scorpion. However, its the combination of such 'cool' colors, like purple and blue, that make him seem so calming, despite his ferocious appearance. His bright, yellow eyes show that mystical quality in his race and one fitting for such a creature.
6. Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths
"Even above the surface, he just can't escape from the water"
Nautilus' story is one of the more tragic ones among all of the champions. Once a sailor investigating a mysterious black liquid in the ocean, he was grabbed by liquid and pulled into the depths of the sea. The tragedy of this tale is that his own crew condemned him to this fate, having feared that the black liquid would claim them all as well. Now risen once more in such horrid armaments, Nautilus seeks to punish the people who let him sink to the bottom of the sea.
The diving suit of Nautilus has become rather rusted, no doubt by the time spent in the sea. Around his joints seem to be glowing blue lines and his head only revealed blackness, with two searchlight-like eyes as the only identifying markers of his face. His weapon was an anchor, used against him by his crew, and now used to exact his revenge. All that sorrow and misery, bounded in rusted metal and darkness.
5. Wukong, the Monkey King
"Funny, he doesn't look 'stoned'"
While some champions have been inspired by legends and myths, Wukong is taken right out of the Chinese mythology, being based on Sun Wukong, a powerful monkey icon. This champion's story isn't too much different, having been a warrior named Kong in the jungle, who sought to fight the strongest in the world. He eventually met another champion named Master Yi, a powerful swordsman. He agreed to be Yi's apprentice, taking the new name of Wukong and wielding a mighty staff. Its a nice, new spin on an old tale.
Wukong's design takes all the best parts of Chinese culture and puts it into a nice neat package. Bright red and gold, combined with spiky fur and a clever smile. Its a hard champion not to like and its a fitting tribute to Chinese culture.
4. Olaf, the Berserker
"He's got an axe or two to grind"
Some stereotypes aren't as bad as they seem at first glance. Olaf proves not only his great strength and skill, but also a cunning that makes him weary of the summoners in the Institute of War. Hailing from another island, he was thrown from a severe storm to the shores of Valoran. While he does wish to go home, Olaf realizes the great power the summoners wield and knows best what information to best keep secret.
His design highlights some of the best parts of Viking culture: woven fur boots, large metal axes and a helmet with horns on the side. Include a raggly blond beard, a large belt buckle, and a display of confidence in his eyes, and you've got the Berserker in the nutshell.
3. Ahri, the 9-Tailed Fox
"Insert your own furry joke here, if you wish"
Another character based on Asian culture, Ahri's story does begin with her as a fox longing to be human. However, this paths involves her taking the life essences of other people. Surprisingly, he disliked doing such a thing and wanted to find a way to become more human without doing such harm. Its a surprising display of human empathy, something that I've really liked in this character.
Her design, of course, plays off of the Asian culture. Aside form her pale skin and blake hair, Ahri carries the traits that befit her title as '9-Tailed Fox'. Her large, white tales, black ears and small whiskers not only fit her, but also add that alluring quality to her that makes her quite a catch. No doubt, there have already been naked pictures of her somewhere on the internet.
2. Volibear, the Thunder's Roar
"Arrogant enough to pick a fight with the clouds"
Volibear is kind of what you would expect from a name like that: a giant polar bear who fights with lightning. However, its his honor, bravery and foresight that makes him stand out. Having seen a vision where his race, the Ursine, are all killed off, Volibear has aligned with Frejord to try and prevent such a future from happening.
His overall looks makes him really stand out. After all, how often do you see a giant polar bear dressed in shining armor and blue orbs, wielding lightning with its bare hands? Not a lot, of course. This just speaks for itself.
And my #1 favorite Champion is...
Graves, the Outlaw!
"Hope you don't have a 'dead man's hand'"
Grave's back-story immediately drew me to this guy. As an outlaw, he's aligned himself with another champion, Twisted Fate. However, one deal got Graves on the shaft end and locked up, with Twisted Fate gaining magical powers. Having broken out and gotten his hands on a nice shotgun, Graves is looking to even the score. The gray-ness of this story makes it hard to pick which side to be on. At least I know whose side I will stand by...
The look is great, making the outlaw look like a badass cowboy: spurs n boots, long studded cape and a grizzled, ornery face only a mother could love and a man can respect. Not only that, but he totes a custom-made 'hextech' shotgun, with the intent on gunning down Twisted Fate. Sometimes bigger is better and an extra-large shotgun just makes the world seem brighter.
Well, that's my first Top 10 post. I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time...
League of Legends is distributed by Riot Games, Inc.