Welcome to another follow-up on 'Stories of Entertainment'.
Yeah, I still got Mortal Kombat on the mind and I've been thinking about what sort of plans Netherrealm Studios might have if and when they make Mortal Kombat 10 (or will it be Mortal Kombat II?). So, this is just a way to express some ideas I might have or guess at what the company would do for the next game. Of course, this won't be set in stone, things can change in the game before release, yadda yadda. This will dip back into Mortal Kombat 9 to explain a few details, so expect spoilers.
Anyway, time to get this follow-up underway. These are 'Predictions to Mortal Kombat 10'!

Want to get the characters out of the way first so that explaining the story would be a bit easier. As of right now, it looks like the only forces of good alive by the end are Raiden, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage. Shinnok and Quan Chi are expected to be the main bad guys for the next game, so that is a given. Scorpion is such a big part of the studios that he'll make a comeback as well (so will Sub-Zero in my mind, but I'll explain later). I'm thinking Reptile has a shot at coming back, especially if what I'm thinking happens will happen. Not sure about Noob Saibot making a comeback, but there is that possibility. Same with Cyrax and Sektor. I'm guessing Shang Tsung is beyond dead, but you never know with that tricky bastard. All the dead heroes will probably stay dead, though I'm not sure about it. The Tarkatans Baraka and Mileena can also make a comeback, but I'm leaving that up into the air. The Shokans Goro, Kintaro, and Sheeva are interesting, but not sure about their status at this point. There's also Kano, but then again, not sure if he'll be back again. Same with Ermac, but I enjoy the character too much just to drop him.
Lets take a look at any possible new playable characters making a re-appearance. I'm going to assume that Mortal Kombat 10 will cover Mortal Kombat 4, Deadly Alliance, and Deception (also a bit of Armaggedon thrown in). Lets get the obvious out of the way: Hsu Hao, Dhramin and Moloch are basically dead in the water and won't be back at all. If we're lucky, we might get to see them killed off first in a cutscene. Some of the other lesser liked characters (Kobra, Darrius, maybe Kira) would immediately be dropped as well. The DLC characters from the last game, Skarlett and Rain, might be back, though I wouldn't bet on anything just yet. Kenshi is very popular, so his playable status is secure. Nitara is a possibility, though need to do something about her wings in my opinion. Bringing Frost back would also be interesting. Same with Mavado. Blaze might at least get an appearance, if only because said appearance is important to the plot. Kai is pretty popular, so he'll make a comeback (and then some, if I'm guessing right). Personally, I would like Reiko to return. Jarek, however, I could care less and Fujin might just make a guest appearance as well. Tanya is pretty popular (from what I remember), so she has a good shot of coming back. Bo'Rai Cho could use a comeback, same with Li Mei. Shujinko might get his ass canned, depending if he gets a retool or not. Hotaru and Havik are sorta mortal enemies, so they both might return. Ashrah has an interesting story, so she might return as well, same with Dariou. Sareena, despite appearing in Mythologies, is also quite popular and could make an appearance (especially if my idea is right about her). Same with Tremor from Special Forces. Khameleon and Chameleon are a bit of a toss up, but I've got plans for one or the other. Now for the brothers, Taven and Daegon. Daegon has a better shot of appearing, if only because his organization (The Red Dragon) has been a part of Black Dragon history, so he might appear earlier then Taven.
Anyway, I'll compile a list of characters who would make it into the next game, as well as those who I would personally like back. It'll be close to the same number as the last game, though I won't be including any surprise entries until later in the story (that, you'll just have to wait and see):
- Scorpion
- Raiden
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya Blade
- Quan Chi
- Shinnok (though he'll also fill in role of shang tsung's spot in the arcade tower)
- Kenshi
- Sareena
- Bo' Rai Cho
- Li Mei
- Reiko (i've got a plan with this guy)
- Tanya
- Ashrah
- Kai
- Noob Saibot
- Khameleon
- Reptile
- Kano
- Tremor
- Kira (cause she has a better chance at being more developed than Kobra)
- Cyrax
- Sektor
- Sub-Zero (again, plan)
- Ermac
- Frost
- Mavado
- Daegon (Unlockable, kinda like Quan Chi from MK9)
With the characters out of the way, time to talk about the story mode. If anything, it'll play out similar to the original, with each game taking up about 5 or 6 chapters of playable characters. In this case, the MK4 game would take about 5 chapters, MK:DA would take about 6, and MK:D would take about 6 as well. Lets see what we might expect in MK10.
- The beginning of the story would most likely be a recap, detailing the events that transpired in MK9 to anyone who may've not bothered to play it at all (shame on you). Raiden will be explaining the events, wondering if his changes were all worth it in the end. He'll get a visit from fellow God Fujin, talking about how his latest vision is of Shinnok's return.
- They both realize that Shinnok wouldn't just threaten Earthrealm, but all the realms if ever let free. He decides to go on a recruitment drive of sorts. He would need to find worthy warriors to help defend against Shinnok's destruction.
- Start of MK4-ish Story Mode
- At this point in time, Earthrealm is still in a cleanup mode from Shao Kahn's invasion. Johnny Cage is, of course, working to fight any remaining soldiers that are left behind. To his surprise, he comes across a disgruntled Ermac. Johnny Cage manages to beat him, though discovers that without Shao Kahn's control, Ermac is just wandering around aimlessly without a clue of what to do. Johnny Cage, in a show of kindness and intelligence, decides to take Ermac to Sonya Blade and Raiden, believing that he might be of some use.
- Cage meets up with Sonya and Raiden at the Outer World Investigation Agency (something that is still in the making) discussing what to do with Ermac. Raiden explains that Ermac could be a potential boon if they could free him from whatever hold Shao Kahn has over him. Raiden then advises to seek out a potential ally known as Kai, who Raiden would describe as 'on par with Liu Kang'. Johnny Cage decides to be the one to bring him in.
- Johnny manages to locate Kai at the Shaolin Monastery, which is under attack by the robotic Lin Kuei. He manages to fight off Sektor before finding Kai in a fight against Cyrax. Johnny Cage jumps in to help Kai and manages to knock out Cyrax. Most of the Lin Kuei flee, though Cyrax remains unconscious. Johnny Cage tries to coerce Kai to help, though Kai himself is reluctant due to his normally pacifistic nature. Raiden appears and appeals to Kai through Liu Kang's death, saying that Kai is the only one capable of succeeding Liu Kang. Spurned by the knowledge of his friend's death, Kai agrees to help. Raiden is pleased, then states that the unconscious Cyrax might be of use as another ally for Shinnok's return. He believes that they will need many allies in order to combat Shinnok's army.
- Back in Outworld, Bo'Rai Cho and his newest apprentice, Li Mei, investigate the empty palace of Shao Kahn. Since the emperor's death, most of the races that serve under him have split back into their own groups, with Tarkatans and Shokans going at it by themselves. The are now wondering what is Shao Kahn's palace now used for. To their surprise, they come across Reptile, looking more human than before and even able to speak complete sentences. Li Mei steps in to fight him and manages to succeed, though the arrival of Khameleon surprises her. Li Mei beats her as well, but is stopped by Bo' Rai Cho before she could finish them. Bo' Rai Cho asks why they are in Shao Kahn's palace to begin with. Khameleon replies that they are working on restoring their race, the Saurians, back. When Bo'Rai Cho asks how they'll accomplish this, they get a surprise appearance from Reiko, who declares himself the new Emperor of Outworld.
- Li Mei tries to fight Reiko, but Bo'Rai Cho stops her once more. Reiko explains that he is working on unifying the Outworld races once more. Bo'Rai Cho doesn't like the sound of it, though knows that he can't do much about it at this point. Reiko tries to coerce the two to join in, but get interrupted by the appearance of Tanya, who Reiko refers to as his aid. Tanya explains that she has found a Cryomancer named Frost. Bo'Rai Cho and Li Mei leave to try and get Frost on their side before Reiko could. When Tanya asks to pursue, Reiko refuses, believing that Frost is after power and power alone, so an alliance with her seems more likely.
- Bo'Rai Cho and Li Mei manage to track down Frost at an old Cryomancer temple. Frost attacks them, thinking them to be enemies, but Li Mei manages to beat her by herself. Bo' Rai Cho is a bit surprised to find another Cryomancer, believing them to have died off centuries ago. When they go to try and help Frost back up, Scorpion makes a surprise appearance. He declares that he will kill Frost, believing her to be Sub-Zero's sister. Li Mei manages to fight him off, with Bo'Rai Cho questioning why Scorpion believes Frost is Sub-Zero's sister. Scorpion says that Quan Chi gave him the orders before disappearing. Bo'Rai Cho wonders what Quan Chi's plans, while telling Li Mei to bring Frost with them.
- Back on Earthrealm, we cut to Kano trying to recover what profit he could from the invasion. While doing so, he gets blindsided by Tremor, who wants to exact revenge against Kano for double-crossing him. Kano manages to back himself up and defeat Tremor, forcing the ninja to swear loyalty to the Black Dragon once more. Tremor wonders what Kano is up to now, with Kano explaining he's looking to find another Black Dragon member named Kobra. When they do come across him, they find him dead at the hands of an unknown assailant. Before they could elaborate who did it, they get blindsided by Kira, who sneaks up on them and tries to kill Kano. He manages to beat her, demanding to know why she killed Kobra. Kira retorts that she found Kobra like this and that other Black Dragons are being killed as well. She joins Kano and Tremor, saying that she aims to get back at whoever it is, saying that the assailant destroyed a lot of black market supplies. Kano is reluctant, but agrees to the offer.
- The trio manages to find the assailant, Hsu Hao, trying to contact with his leader. Kira notes that he like he works for the Outer World Investigation Agency, but finds it odd he is tracking down Black Dragons to kill them. Kano won't have any of it, noting that Hsu Hao's cybernetics are similar to his and decides just to flat out kill the bastard. Kano manages to sneak up on Hsu Hao and barely take him down without effort, just plunging one of his daggers into Hsu Hao's mechanical chest piece. Before dying, Hsu Hao remarks how the 'Red Dragon' will have their revenge. Kano doesn't quite understand it at first, but gets interrupted by a surprise attack by Mavado. The two fight, but Kano manages to hold his own until Mavado retreats. Before Kano can give chase, he gets a surprise appearance from Raiden and Sonya Blade. They explain that they require Kano's help to stop Shinnok, but Kano blows them off. Sonya tries to fight him, but ends up losing. Raiden recovers Sonya and tries to coerce Kano, but doesn't end up getting the guy to help them. Raiden leaves with Sonya, while Kano regroups with Tremor and Kira, noting that they didn't 'jump into help' while he was fighting. They replied that they knew Kano was up to the task, but goes about as well as expected. For now, Kano takes them off to try and make a profit somehow to rebuild the Black Dragon, as well as try to figure out what the Red Dragon want with them.
- Back at the main Outer World Investigation Agency base, Sonya asks Raiden why he tries to ask for Kano's help, even though they know he is clearly in it for himself. Raiden explains that they would need a lot of help to try and save Earthrealm, even if it means recruiting their most hated enemies. They manage to get a call from Kenshi, one of their agents in Outworld. He explains that he is still searching for Shang Tsung (though it could be possible that Kabal told the others about how Shang Tsung was transferred into Sindel, but I could be wrong) and has come across the Emperor's palace himself. As he tries to enter, he fights off Tanya when she tries to prevent him from entering. Kenshi finds himself in the Flesh Pits, noticing a large clutch of Saurian eggs. As he tries to examine them, he gets blindsided by Reptile and Khameleon, fighting them both off surprisingly well. After the fight, they explain that they must protect their young before they hatch. Kenshi seems to reconcile at first, but Reiko appears to see Kenshi himself. The blind swordsman recalls Reiko, having fought him before. Kenshi manages to triumph, but Reiko reveals to be holding back and just wanting Kenshi out of his hair at the moment. He opens a portal back to Earthrealm and tosses Kenshi into it before it closes.
- Kenshi finds himself at the OWIA's main base, meeting up with Raiden and Sonya. He asks what happened to Johnny Cage, with Raiden explaining that he is with the newest recruit Kai, finding energy that bears resemblance to the Netherrealm. Before they could elaborate any further, Emrac awakens in the base and ends up fighting Kenshi. Kenshi manages to defeat Ermac, though Kenshi realizes that Ermac is only acting under the orders of the Shao Kahn and frees him from that control. With his new freedom, Ermac joins the OWIA to pay them back for aiding him. Raiden is pleased by the turn of events and hopes that Cage and Kai are just as fortunate.
- Switching over to Cage and Kai, who have managed to find the source of the energy. They manage to find Mavado and Nitara, discussing how Mavado would need to pull double duty in searching for Black Dragon members to kill and working with the Netherrealm. Cage and Kai interrupt the meeting, with Cage fighting Mavado and Kai fighting Nitara. Kai wonders about Nitara, as she does not have the same kind of aura a demon of the Netherrealm would have. Before he could elaborate any further, Mavado manages to defeat Cage and starts to fight Kai. However, Kai manages to triumph. He goes to help his friend, but gets interrupted by the arrival of Scorpion and Noob Saibot, the latter having survived his dissipation in the Soulnado. Their arrivals heralds Quan Chi, who tells Kai that Shinnok's return is nigh and that death is inevitable. Kai refuses to bow down, prompting Quan Chi to sick Scorpion and Noob on him. Kai overcomes both spectres, but the resulting fight tires him out.
- Quan Chi reveals how he figured Kai would tire himself out and summons the deceased souls of several Earthrealmers, including Liu Kang. The shock gets to Kai, but before he and Cage could be killed, Raiden appears and teleports Kai and Cage away from Quan Chi and his forces. They meat back at the OWIA, with Sonya and Kenshi working on trying to free Cyrax from Lin Kuei control. Sonya remarks that her mechanical skills were no match to Jax's, though the result ends up causing Cyrax to go berzerk. The cyborg turns his sights on Kai, seeing himself in Kai and believing him to be the enemy. Kai manages to knock Cyrax out and free him from his delusions. Cyrax thanks him, though Kai wishes it would be this easy to help the undead Earthrealmers. Raiden remarks at a possiblity to ressurecting their friends, but get interrupted by Ermac, who reveals that Shinnok has arrived to Earthrealm. Kai resolves to fight Shinnok himself, to free his friend Liu Kang.
- Shinnok arrives to Earthrealm, just as Ermac said, with Quan Chi preparing the undead army for the fallen God. Raiden, along with Kai, Cage, Sonya, Kenshi, Ermac, and Cyrax appear and fight the undead. Kai manages to push himself through and reach Quan Chi. He defeats the sorcerer before approaching Shinnok. The fallen God boasts that Kai cannot stand up to him, but Kai shakes off the self doubt and fights Shinnok. To Raiden's surprise, he manages to injure the fallen God, forcing Shinnok to retreat with his army following suit. Cage remarks that they saved Earthrealm, but Raiden notes how easy it was and that this attack was just to test us. However, he notes that Kai's fight with Shinnok revealed that the fallen God hasn't recovered as quickly as he planned and that they may have a chance at victory.
- Back in the Netherrealm, Shinnok scolds Quan Chi for not eliminating several of the Earthrealm heroes sooner, though the sorcerer defends himself by saying that he was focusing on coercing Shao Kahn at the time. Shinnok does not care, saying how they were supposed to steamroll through Earthrealm and Outworld with ease, and yet they are compiling forces against them. He does say it is fortunate that a partnership as been reached with the Red Dragon. Soon, Mavado appears with his leader, Daegon, who thanks the fallen God for the audience. Quan Chi remarks how the forces of Earthrealm and Outworld will fall to this 'Deadly Alliance'.
(So ends the MK4-style portion of MK10)
- Quan Chi gets approached by Noob Saibot, who explains that the demoness Sareena has escaped the Netherrealm. He explains that they were killed by a strange weapon with a holy aura. Quan Chi decides to investigate the attack to see who helped free Sareena, while Noob Saibot decides to send goes to seek out Sareena, accompanied by some of Quan Chi's undead Earthrealm warriors, including Cyber Sub-Zero. Meanwhile, Bo'Rai Cho tries to make the newly awakened Frost to train with Li Mei, but the female cryomancer is reluctant to admit her weakness to Li Mei. Before they could continue, a portal from the Netherrealm opens, with Sareena stumbling out of it. Frost takes the opportunity to prove herself, but despite the advantage, loses to Sareena. Li Mei steps in to try and show her up, but meets a similar fate. Rather than jump in full-heartedly, Bo' Rai Cho decides to ask what brought Sareena to Outworld. She, however, is more amazed at how she still has her human form, noting that she lost it to Shinnok many years ago. Bo'Rai Cho puts together that she is a demon who left the Brotherhood of Shadows, a group that worships Shinnok. Sareena agrees with Bo'Rai Cho's statement, but asks if he knows of someone named Sub-Zero.
- Before Bo'Rai Cho can answer, Reiko appears on the scene with Tanya, welcoming Sareena to Outworld. Sareena recognizes Reiko, calling him out to be a former member of the Brotherhood of Shadows. Reiko doesn't deny it and states that its best to put some details to rest. He gets interrupted by Noob Saibot and the undead Earthrealm warriors. They assault the forces of Outworld, with Noob Saibot personally going for Sareena, mocking her inability to free herself on her own or help Sub-Zero before his death. Sareena manages to beat Noob, but before she could kill him, the undead Cyber Sub-Zero intervenes. Sareena is shocked when she believes that the undead cyber ninja is the original Sub-Zero (Bi-Han). She quickly knocks out Cyber Sub-Zero, with Noob Saibot ordering a retreat. While most of the undead warriors escape, Reiko, in a show of foresight, prevents Cyber Sub-Zero from leaving and seals his soul in a gemstone for later use. Sareena demands Sub-Zero's soul, but Reiko offers a trade instead. If she swears loyalty to him as the Emperor, Reiko will help bring Sub-Zero back to life, as well as in human form. Bo'Rai Cho advises against it, but Sareena takes up the opportunity. Reiko is pleased, opening a portal to Earthrealm and advising her to seek out the Black Dragon, a criminal organization that has worked with the former Emperor in the past. When Sareena leaves, Reiko tries to offer the same to Frost, but Bo'Rai Cho steps in to prevent Reiko from getting his hands on Frost. The Emperor and Tanya leave the trio to themselves, wanting no quarrel with them at the moment.
- On Earthrealm, Kano is trying to get Tremor and Kira to find suitable work, but the two don't seem to agree with Kano at the moment. Soon, a portal opens that reveals Sareena. Tremor and Kira decide to take out some frustrations on Sareena, but both end up getting defeated. Kano decides to ask what Sareena's business is, with the demoness replying that the new Outworld Emperor, Reiko, extends an offer to serve him, with ample payment in mind. Kano decides to take up the offer, seeing it as a way to get the Black Dragon up and running again. Soon, a projection of Reiko appears, congratulating Sareena for her service. He gives information to where they could find Cyber Sub-Zero's body: at the Lin Kuei's main temple. Sareena asks how he knows this, with Reiko replying that Sub-Zero's soul helped connect to his original body. Reiko orders Kano and his crew to help Sareena invade the temple, allowing any other treasure present to be in their possession. Kano heartily agrees.
- Back with the Earthrealm warriors, Cyrax explains to Raiden that Sektor and most of the Lin Kuei are far too lost in the cybernetics or far too corrupt to ask for help, preferring to just kill them all instead. Raiden refuses, believing that the Lin Kuei could still be of assistance. Ermac agrees with Cyrax, suggesting that the two of them go to take the fight to the Lin Kuei. Raiden is reluctant, though a recent vision of an alive Sub-Zero leading the Lin Kuei as a force for good appears. He says that with Sub-Zero dead, the Lin Kuei are destined for destruction and allow the pair to take down the Lin Kuei now. The Thunder God teleports the two close to the temple, but discovers it to already be undersiege. Cyrax and Ermac rush in to see Sektor being defeated by Tremor and Kira, with Kano and Sareena venturing further in. Cyrax and Ermac engage the pair, managing to overcome them after a bit of fighting. The two try to follow Kano and Sareena, but Sektor awakens and blindsides Ermac. Cyrax manages to beat Sektor down and declares that the Lin Kuei is now dead. With Ermac recovering the two try to keep up with Kano and Sareena.
- Soon, Kano and Sareena find Cyber Sub-Zero's body in lab, being operated on to try and bring the body back. Sareena is horrified to see Sub-Zero's body treated in such a way, but Kano walks it off and decides to scrounge around to pick up any useful stuff. Cyrax and Ermac arrive on the scene quickly, but Sareena manages to open a portal to the Netherrealm and forcing the pair into it before it closes. When they arrive in the Netherrealm, Ermac is feeling particularly drained by the energies of the Realm. They are soon attacked by Scorpion, but Cyrax manages to fight him off to protect Ermac. The two realize that they must leave the Netherrealm before their presence becomes known to Shinnok. The two find a portal, but see that Nitara, a vampire, appears to guard it. Cyrax manages to hold her off while Ermac jumps through the portal first. Cyrax quickly follows soon after, with the two reaching a city in Earthrealm. Cyrax radios to the Earthrealm heroes for extracting, explaining how the Black Dragon destroyed the Lin Kuei, captured Cyber Sub-Zero's body and teleported them to the Netherrealm. On the other end, Sonya is surprised that Kano would go to all the trouble of getting Sub-Zero's cybernetic body. Raiden is unsure himself, but is worried that the body would be put to terrible use.
- Back in the Flesh pits of Outworld, Sub-Zero's body (with most of the cybernetics removed from the body) is inserted into a tank to keep the body stable. Sareena tells Reiko that she has uphold her end of the bargain and demands Reiko to keep is side. Reiko replies that he hasn't forgotten, but the damage to Sub-Zero's body was extensive and that they require the help of a Cryomancer. He explains how Shao Kahn wiped most of them out during the early period of his reign, though half-breeds still exist that would serve as a viable replacement. Hence, he needs Frost in order to bring Sub-Zero back fully.
- Back with Bo'Rai Cho, Frost and Li Mei continue butting heads with one another, with Frost saying that she is far too powerful to need their training. Li Mei rebuttals how that doesn't reflect her recent losses. Bo'Rai Cho tries to keep them calmed down, but Frost doesn't want any of his and fights Li Mei. She is victorious, leaving the pair while stating that she doesn't need their training anymore. Bo'Rai Cho comforts Li Mei, saying that Frost maybe beyond their hope, but it is clear that she is after something else in Outworld. Bo'Rai Cho orders Li Mei to stay where she is and rest up while he goes after Frost.
- Frost makes it back to the old Cryomancer temple in Outworld, stating that her past should be in here. She starts trekking through the ruins see what she could find, coming across various Cryomancer relices, including a great suit of armor. Before she can claim it as her own, she is confronted by Bo'Rai Cho, guessing that she is looking for a relic that was once part of the Cryomancers. Frost is a bit surprised at the show of intuition, but doesn't reveal how she knows about Cryomancers and instead fights him. She wins (though Bo'Rai Cho appeared to be holding back), but gets knocked out in a surprise attack by Sareena, Kira, and Tremor. The trio decide to take Frost and any of the Cryomancer relics with them, leaving Bo'Rai Cho to recover by himself. Back at the Emperor's Palace, Kano argues with Reiko for sending his Black Dragon out without his say-so. Reiko replies how Reptile and Khameleon must tend to their young, with the two Saurians agreeing completely. Before it is taken any further, Sareena interrupts them when she brings in Frost. As she awakens, she tries to attack, fighting and knocking out Kano. Reiko manages to restrain her with his magic, noting that she was seeking the power of the ancient Cryomancers. He offers her assistance in this power if she serves him. She accepts, though believes that she would be able to handle Reiko on her own. He takes her to the Flesh Pits, with Sareena, Reptile, and Khameleon following close by. When they approach Sub-Zero's tank, Reiko draws upon some of Frost's Cryomaner blood and infuses it into Sub-Zero, causing the tank to freeze and be covered in ice. Reiko remarks how it will still take time for Sub-Zero to be fully alive, and orders Frost to go to the lost tomb of the dragon king. When asked, he responds that he has sense Netherrealm energy there and it needs to be taken care of.
- Frost, along with Tremor and Kira, head to the Dragon King's Tomb, hiding in the shadows and seeing countless soldiers of the Dragon King's army deceased and standing around. They see Quan Chi with Daegon and Mavado checking over the site, trying to find something. Not wanting to stay in the shadows anymore, Frost steps out and confronts the trio herself. Mavado tries to stop her, but she manages to defeat him handily. As she gloats, she is blindsided by Daegon, who decides to intervene to give Quan Chi time to examine the ruins. Tremor and kira decide to stop in, knowing that the pair would cause a lot of trouble for them if they succeed Tremor manages to beat Daegon down, with Kira doing the same to Quan Chi. When Frost regains consciousness, she is angry that she was blindsided again. Kira sends a message back to Kano and Reiko, telling them that they managed to stop Quan Chi. Reiko immediately orders them to recover Quan Chi's amulet, saying that its power would benefit them all.
- The group returns back to the Flesh Pits, with Frost asking what is so important about the stolen amulet. Kira suggests that it must be a powerful tool if Reiko wants his hands on it. Tremor agrees, then fights both Frost and Kira for control of the amulet. When he defeats them, he comments how he'll no longer need to fight for Kano anymore. Speak of the devil, Kano appears himself, saying that Tremor was nothing before Kano found him. Tremor retorts by simply beating the crap out of him. Before he can kill Kano, Tremor is interrupted by Reiko, Reptile and Khameleon. Reiko demands the amulet, with Tremor not giving into his demands. Reptile tries to take it by force himself, but gets defeated just the same. Tremor gloats a bit at how he could easily defeat Reiko now, but Sareena manages to sneak up and snatch the amulet away from him, knocking him aside rather easily. Sareena, with amulet in hand, demands the gem storing Sub-Zero's soul, saying that she will finish his resurrection herself. Reiko obliges, tossing the gem to Sareena. Using the power of the amulet, she fuses Sub-Zero's soul back into his body, the tank storing his body shatters due to the powerful magic used.
- Walking out of the tube is a revived Sub-Zero, alive and returned to a human state. However, the change from undead to living was difficulty, rendering Sub-Zero unconscious from his efforts. Sareena goes to comfort Sub-Zero, while Reiko retrieves the amulet. Sareena goes to take care of him, while Reiko takes the time to examine the amulet itself. Khameleon and Reptile go to tending the eggs in the Flesh Pits, mentioning how they will be hatching soon.
- In another part of the palace, Sareena is waiting outside a room, actually talking to Sub-Zero (who has regained consciousness at this point) while he changes into some better clothing. She is explained how he is not the same Sub-Zero who helped her before, but his younger brother, the original became Noob Saibot, and how he died trying to save Earthrealm in his cyborg body. Sareena is surprised at how well he is taking this, though he responds that he has a lot to make up for his actions as a mindless cyborg of the Lin Kuei and as an undead slave to Quan Chi. When he comes out, he has donned the Cryomancer armor that was found, asking how they managed to find something that could fit him. Sareena is unsure of it herself, but remembers something important and pulls out a medallion with a dragon on it. Sub-Zero recognizes it as the Dragon Medallion, only given to the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and capable of increasing one's powers immensely. Frost quickly arrives on the scene, demanding the medallion. Sub-Zero manages to fight and beat her, infuriating Frost to no end. Sub-Zero says that if she learned humility, then she wouldn't lose as much as she had. Frost, to Sub-Zero's and Sareena's surprise, agrees with him and asks to be his pupil. Sub-Zero isn't sure about it, focusing on confronting Reiko about Sareena's servitude. He takes the Dragon Medallion himself and goes to confront Reiko himself.
- Meanwhile, Reiko is discussing with Tanya, who is explaining that a large dragon egg has been discovered in Outworld. Before it could be elaborated any further, Sub-Zero appears and demands Sareena's freedom, but Tanya intervenes on Reiko's behalf. However, she ends up falling short and Sub-Zero is victorious. After the fight, Reiko explains that Sareena became his when she needed help reviving Sub-Zero. So long as Reiko was Emperor of Outworld, Sareena was his. Sub-Zero tries to fight Reiko, but Reiko manages to open a portal to Earthrealm and transports the icy ninja there himself. The Emperor mumbles about how this egg interests him so greatly.
- Sub-Zero finds himself back in Earthrealm, unsure of what to do now since he cannot return to Outworld by himself. He is soon met by Cyrax and Ermac, though not realizing that they have switched sides. He fights both of them and manages to be victorious. Before he left, Raiden teleports in with Sonya Blade, Kai, Kenshi and Johnny Cage. Sonya and Cage recognize Sub-Zero, amazed that he is alive. Sub-Zero explains how Reiko had a hand in reviving him, prompting Raiden to ask what has been happening in Outworld. Sub-Zero recalls some bits of information he heard, about a tomb of a dragon king. Raiden immediately sees a vision of heroes fighting- and failing- to stop the Dragon King's army. Raiden explains how death would only lead to them fighting, though realizes that they require help from Outworld in order to succeed. Raiden mentions how Earthrealm is safe, for the moment, and that they all must go to Outworld to prevent the army from rising.
- When the Earthrealm warrios arrive in Outworld, Raiden advises to seek out Bo'Rai Cho, the master who helped train Liu Kang. Sonya hands out some communicators to keep in contact with one another, before the group separates. However, Sub-Zero gets attacked by Scorpion rather quickly, with the spectre angered that Sub-Zero is alive once again. Sub-Zero manages to fight off Scorpion, saying that he will pay for killing his brother. Scorpion retorts how it was his brother that ended Scorpion's clan, as well as mentioning how Frost is his sister. Sub-Zero denies both accusations, saying whoever told Scorpion this is lying. Scorpion is far too infuriated to comprehend what Sub-Zero is saying and flees back to the Netherrealm. Sub-Zero thinks that this is the work of Quan Chi, remembering him as Scorpion's handler and the one that helped lead his brother to his death. To Sub-Zero's surprise, he is founded by Frost, who managed to find Sub-Zero with the help of Reptile and Khameleon. She offers to be his pupil once more, which Sub-Zero reluctantly agrees to. He soon gets a message from Sonya Blade, saying how she managed to find Bo'Rai Cho.
- Sonya manages to meet with Bo'Rai Cho and Li Mei, explaining how they came to prevent the Dragon King's army from rising. Raiden quickly appears before Sonya could go any further, requesting to speak with Bo'Rai Cho in private. The old master agrees, asking Sonya if she can spar with Li Mei while they talk. Sonya agrees and starts her fight with Li Mei. In private, Raiden talks about his visions and how Shinnok may be trying to raise the army himself. Bo'Rai Cho mentions that possiblilty, but states how not much of Outworld will side in helping the Thunder God. Raiden realizes that they would need the help of Emperor Reiko. The two head back to Sonya and Li Mei, talking about how they require the Emperor's help. Sonya asks if it is such a wise idea, with Raiden mentioning how if the dragon army is raised, Reiko will most likely be the first target.
- Raiden arrives in the Emperor's Palace with Sonya, Li Mei, and Bo'Rai Cho in tow. Raiden leaves to gather the other heroes to prepare for the assault. As Raiden leaves, Kano appears, surprised to find Sonya in Outworld again. Remembering what he did last time, Sonya attacks Kano and defeats them soundly. Before she could kill him, Sonya gets interrupted by Reiko, with Tanya, Reptile, and Khameleon in tow. Raiden appears as well, with the rest of the Earthrealm warriors in tow. Reiko figures that this is for an allegiance against Shinnok, with Raiden confirms. Reiko decides to help, if only to keep his position as Emperor. He suggests a two-pronged attack, with both forces mixed of Earthrealm and Outworld fighters. Raiden asks how Reiko expected to supply is half, with Khameleon and Reptile confirming that the Saurian eggs have hatched and, with Reiko's magic, have matured enough to help fight against Shinnok. Reiko explains how a few are left behind just in case, while the rest of them take care of Shinnok. Raiden agrees on the plan.
- Back at the Tomb of the Dragon King, Shinnok, Daegon, and Quan Chi go over how they'll start infusing the souls of the dead to the Dragon King's army, allowing them to serve the Fallen God instead. Using his power, Shinnok works on creating a Soulnado to use for the process. Daegon wonders when they can expect a retaliation from Raiden and Reiko, with Shinnok replying that it will happen soon. Sure enough, the combined forces of Earthrealm and Outworld descend on the tomb. Quan Chi and Daegon ready their force of undead, demons, and Red Dragon warriors to fight as well. With Raiden and Reiko leading the charge, the two forces clash with one another. During the fighting Sonya watches as Tanya goes in to kill Reiko from behind, but Sonya manages to stop her. Sonya realizes that Sonya has been working with Shinnok from the start. Tanya doesn't deny it, but it doesn't help her beat Sonya. After beating Tanya, Sonya is surprised when Kano saves her skin, saying she 'owes her one'. Sonya tosses him aside when Mavado approaches, reading to kill Kano. Sonya beats back the Red Dragon, saying how she and Kano 'are even now.'
- Meanwhile, both Reiko and Raiden manage to confront Shinnok, saying how he'll pay for threatening their respective realms. Shinnok states how this has been, for the most part, a ruse. He explains how he is waiting for the return of a being that will ensure Raiden's and Reiko's death. Soon, a mighty roar rings in the tomb, with the fighting stopped. Raiden receives another vision, realizing something terrible: Onaga, the Dragon King, as returned. Shinnok teleports away, along with Daegon and Quan Chi, while the rest of their forces disperse. Raiden orders a full retreat, saying that Onaga is far too powerful to beat at the moment. Most of the Earthrealm and Outworld warriors escape, with Raiden and Reiko following in quick suit.
(...and that should cover the MK: DA period)
- Back at the Emperor's palace, the group discusses what Onaga will do now that he has returned. Raiden states how the Dragon King will try and take back the throne of Outworld. Reiko is more interested in how the Dragon King returned, with Reptile and Khameleon getting reports from one of their Saurian siblings. Apparently, a few were sent to retrieve the dragon egg discovered in Outworld. When it opened, the egg's energies enveloped one of the Saurian and turned them into Onaga. Reiko orders Raiden and his warriors to leave the palace. Raiden tries to talk him out of breaking the alliance, but Reiko instead fights Raiden off. Only after the battle does Raiden comply and the Earthrealm warriors depart. Kano tries to make a split with the Black Dragon as well, only to be met by Reiko himself. Kano mentions how he doesn't want to bother with Reiko's lunacy, which prompts a swift beatdown from Reiko. The Black Dragon quickly depart back to Earthrealm, leaving Reiko with just Reptile and Khameleon. The two Saurians try to calm down their Emperor down, but Reiko simply beats them away as well. When Reptile tries to calm Reiko down, he gets punched in the guts for his efforts. However, Reptile realizes Reiko has given him the amulet and he leaves with Khameleon in tow.
- Now, Reiko waits as Onaga comes beating down the door and approaches Reiko. Onaga tells how he has heard of Shao Kahn's death and would give Reiko reprieve if he surrenders. Reiko doesn't agree and states he'll die as Emperor before becoming another's slave. He puts up a fight, but loses to Onaga in the end. The Dragon King kills him and resumes his throne as Emperor of Outworld. Shinnok, Quan Chi, and Daegon appear and grant an alliance with the Dragon King, to which he accepts, thanking them for reviving him and preparing his army.
- Back with the Earthrealm warriors, the group tries to plan out their next move, with Raiden receiving another vision, this time of Scorpion conquering Onaga. Raiden understands that Onaga can be stopped, but they would need help. Reptile and Khameleon appear, offering the amulet to the Thunder God as a token of allegiance. Raiden thanks them for ensuring that such a power doesn't fall into Onaga's hands. He explains how Scorpion might be a possibility for defeating Onaga, but will need to prepare others just to be sure. Bo' Rai Cho suggests an impromtu tournament, selecting the strongest out the ones willing to face Onaga head on. Most agree, though Sub-Zero, Sareena, Frost, Reptile, and Khameleon stay out of it to prepare their own groups.
- As the tournament plays out, Bo'Rai Cho talks to Raiden and asks if Scorpion is the true victor here. Raiden seems positive, as his visions showed how Liu Kang was meant to win against Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn the first time around, but he lost Kung Lao in the process. Now, he is hoping that whoever wins will be willing to die to protect the realms. The tournament plays out with Ermac winning, having bested Li Mei, Kenshi, and Kai. Raiden explains to Ermac how death is a likely outcome for his fight against Onaga, to which Ermac understands and will still fight the Dragon King regardless.
- As most of the Earthrealm warriors rest for a night, Ermac stands watch for a bit until being approached by Reptile. A short conversation between the two shows how Reptile feels like he switches from one master to another, though Ermac responds how they no longer need to follow anything but their own judgement, being masters of their own fate. Soon, the two are attacked by Nitara, who goes after Reptile for revenge against his race. Ermac steps back in and fights of Nitara, noting how he isn't as weak as he was back when they met in the Netherrealm. Nitara flies off, going to the Emperor's Palace, while Reptile and Ermac warn the others.
- Nitara returns to the Palace and warns Onaga about his enemies regrouping. Onaga applauds Nitara for her loyalty, while Daegon and Quan Chi seem unimpressed. Nitara gets confronted by Shinnok, who also applauds her, but says that they need the amulet back from the Earthrealm warriors in order to help revive Nitara return her realm to existence. Nitara agrees and leaves, with Quan Chi asking if Shinnok intends to keep his word. Shinnok doesn't, planning to use her till she isn't needed anymore. However, Nitara has actually been in hiding and heard of Shinnok's plan. She intends to bring her people back her own way. But first, she needs to disrupt Shinnok's plans.
- Nitara tries to track down the spectre Scorpion in the Netherrealm, but runs into Noob Saibot first. He tries to stop her, but the vampiress manages to beat him before flying off again. She manages to find Scorpion and claims she has information regarding the true murderer of his clan. Scorpion doesn't listen and tries to fight Nitara, but looses. She says that the memories of his clan are confusing him and he could possibly find peace if she helps her. In return, she will endow him with her knowledge. Scorpion agrees, albeit for a temporary alliance.
- They return to Outworld, with Nitara pointing out the location of an orb that she requires. Before he does so, Daegon appears on the scene and questions their motives. Nitara decides to run interference and let Scorpion get the orb while she handles Daegon. She manages to win and Scorpion holds up his end of the bargain, bringing Nitara the orb that she desires. She thanks him for his work and tells him of his real clan's killer: Quan Chi. When Scorpion doesn't believe her, she asks who else would benefit from an undead warrior. She flies off after indulging Scorpion, thanking him once more and telling him he knows what he should do now.
- Back with the Earthrealm warriors, Raiden talks with Ermac and Reptile about Nitara's appearance. Sure enough, she arrives to great the trio. However, Sonya Blade and Li Mei appear to try and fight her, but Nitara manages to hold her own. She tells Raiden that Onaga would soon face his death at Shinnok's hand, with Shinnok being able to take the Dragon King's powers for himself. She says that it wasn't the only deception at work, with Scorpion being deceived by Quan Chi. Before Raiden asks any questions, Nitara smashes the orb she found and disappeared before the Thunder God's eyes. This worries Raiden, as he believes that Scorpion is acting on his own now. This might guarantee Quan Chi's death, but not Onaga's or Shinnok's. Raiden plans for the group to attack the palace immediately fighting through any forces Shinnok and Onaga might throw at them.
- The heroes launch the assault, attacking the demons, undead warriors, and Red Dragon fighters that guard the palace. Raiden manages to beat several Earthrealm undead himself, though they try to wear down his confidence. However, Raiden tries to sense for Shinnok's presence in Outworld, but can't find it. He leaves for the Netherrealm, finding Shinnok and confronting the fallen Elder God. Raiden realizes that Shinnok is letting Onaga being defeated, letting the warriors tire themselves out before jumping in and claiming the Heart of Onaga himself. He also tries to figure out why Shinnok is doing all of this, before Shinnok says that he has 'seen the future' and that it will be his. Raiden realizes that he sent a message to the past like himself, allowing him to change the timeline to suit his needs. Raiden fights Shinnok, but cannot overcome Shinnok's amulet. He reveals how this is the genuine article, while a weaker one was in the Earthrealmer's possession. Raiden manages to take the amulet from Shinnok during the fallen Elder God's gloating, then fuse him to the Netherrealm, preventing him from escaping again.
- Back in Outworld, the Dragon King is furious at the assault by the Earthrealm warriors and goes to confront them himself. Quan Chi and Daegon decide to watch themselves, but Scorpion arrives claiming to take Quan Chi's head for killing his clan. Quan Chi tries to defend himself, but Noob Saibot steps in to fight Scorpion himself. He reveals himself as the original Sub-Zero, the one Scorpion himself killed, but ends up being killed once more. Daegon gets swept up into the fighting by Quan Chi and gets defeated by Scorpion as well. Scorpion chases down Quan Chi, demanding the sorcerer to beg before his death. Quan Chi refuses, but it doesn't stop Scorpion from killing him. Raiden soon appears, seeing Scorpion over a dead Quan Chi. Scorpion laments how he finally has his revenge, but it wouldn't bring back his family. Raiden offers to help, saying that killing Onaga would benefit him, since the Dragon King has the power to bring the dead back to life. Scorpion agrees without hesitation.
- However, the Earthrealm fighters aren't fairing any better, with most of them being defeated as is. Scorpion appears on the scene to give it a shot himself. He manages to overcome the Dragon King, but Onaga rises once more, stating he is invincible. However, he starts keeling over in pain, mentioning how the Kamigodu have been destroyed. Scorpion takes the opportunity to kill the Dragon King then and now, tearing off his head. Raiden appears and removes the heart of Onaga, using its power to revive many of the fallen dead, especially fallen Earthrealm and Outworld fighters. Several reunions take place an Raiden is pleased that everything is at peace. One of the Earthrealm warriors mentions how it was smart of Raiden to destroy the Kamidogu, but Raiden denies it, saying he never knew about the Kamidogu. Raiden feels the presence of an individual off in the distance and watches them leave, believing them to be the one who helped the Thunder God.
- Afterwards, the newly-revived Queen Sindel proclaims Edenia to be free of Outworld, with Bo'Rai Cho being chosen as Outworld's new leader (he refuses to take the title of 'Emperor' though). The fighters part ways, with Sindel taking Jade, Kitana, and Liu Kang (who wanted to be with Kitana) to Edenia. Bo'Rai Cho has Li Mei, Ermac, Reptile, and Khameleon, along with the Saurians, to try and reunite the Outworld races once more. The rest of the heroes return to Earthrealm, with Jax and Sonya rebuilding the Special Forces with themselves, Stryker, Kabal, Kenshi, and Cyrax (who decides to let Sub-Zero rebuild the Lin Kuei).
- At the new Lin Kuei temple, Sub-Zero is busy training Frost while Sareena keeps an eye on both of them. Sub-Zero ends the training when he gets approached by a fully human Scorpion (who somehow still have his hellfire abilities). Scorpion apologizes for his actions against Sub-Zero, saying that the revived Shirai Ryu can consider themselves allies to the Lin Kuei, to which Sub-Zero agrees.
(...and that brings an end to MK:D story and the story mode itself)
That's the idea for story mode. Course, there are some plot holes in it, but this has been mostly coming off the top of my head and could change one way or another. For now, its best to take what you can get.
Until next time...
...also, I would like them to see them bring back 'Chess Kombat'. Loved that game from Deception.
Mortal Kombat is owned by Warner Bros Interactive and Netherrrealm Studios.