Of course we'll be talking about this movie in a month of Star Wars stuff. Its been over a month since the movie first premiered and they are stilling showing it in theaters right now. Its gotten to the rank of one of the highest grossing films out there and more of the series is being produced, along with spin-offs. Its been discussed, debated and argued over the many details that has gone into viewing the film multiple times.
Right now, I've decided to share my own thoughts on it as well, seeing as I've recently gotten to see it a few times too. This is all opinion-based and will feature spoilers, so you've been warned.
The Plot
While this is the introduction to a new story, people have made the argument that it follows a similar pattern as to the first films in the Original and Prequel trilogies. It goes something like this:
"A lone child, living on a barren world, is gifted with the power of the mysterious Force. Picked up by new friends and allies, this child leaves the world to fight against a terrible army seeking to dominate the galaxy. Aiding this force is a dark user of the Force, whom in turn is mentored by the true leader in order to spread their will, while using terrible technology to dominate anyone standing in their way."
Pretty simple and easy to track, so people aren't truly lost in the whole scheme of things. You certainly got minor points of character development to get motives across for characters, which helps give the plot better legs to stand on. You can certainly see comparisons of the previous movies, but also enough new details to make it clear that you'll be getting something different.
The Characters
The Old Guard
There have been reports of having the old cast of the Star Wars Original Trilogy as the main characters of the new Trilogy, which thankfully did not happen. Given the time skip and new generation of Star Wars fans, it helps to create new role models to look up to. For characters like Han Solo and Leia Organa, they help provide the roles of mentors to help guide the new generation of heroes in the galaxy.
Sure, some of them are capable of holding their own but it is clear that they are helping serve as fan favorites that are ready to pass the torch on. While they may continue to reappear in the next two movies, it may not be as much as just a supporting cast.
The New Heroes
New heroes have arrived in the form of Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8.
BB-8 fills in the slot of being the assistant droid between the three new heroes, much like R2-D2 from the previous movies. A creation of both practical effects and movie magic (seriously, they had a live action one created and shown off), BB-8 has been a highlight of what an adorable droid could actually turn out to be. It certainly shows how technology has changed (or could change) in the main Star Wars galaxy, while still retaining a 'plucky' charm to its 'beets' and 'woos' when trying to communicate. Also a handy toy to give to kids for holidays and birthdays.
Poe Dameron is the brave and confident pilot of the Resistance, the force which combats the main enemy of the galaxy, the First Order. While more comfortable in the air with his skills, he isn't above fighting on the ground to protect those in need. Unfortunately, he gets some of the less screentime amongst his fellow heroes, but it is enough to give you an idea of what he can do, as well as the relationships he could build off into as the series goes on. Hopefully, he doesn't become a one-off for this series in a movie.
It isn't hard for people to pick out the 'Luke Skywalker' character once they get a look at Rey. Her origins on a desert planet and recruitment into the larger world certainly match the parallels seen in past movies. However, people have made opinions on how she could come off as a 'mary sue'; a character who seems to be perfect at everything. Her mechanical expertise, understanding incoherent speech from the likes of droids and Chewbacca and a backstory that seems a bit contrived and played out. I feel like some people took this thought too far and that Rey certainly shows off of being not just a rookie in the grander galaxy but also one quite latent in the Force. Hopefully, the future movies get more into her character as time goes on.
Finn is my favorite character out of the new heroes, bar none. A guy raised from child abduction into the First Order (I'll get to them in a bit) that soon realized how truly monstrous they are and decides to desert them. Along the way, not only does he find the bravery to stand up to the First Order instead of running, but also finding the path to be a true hero. He can certainly come off as a coward for a good-sized chunk of the money, but he is aware of the dangers in front of him and wants to make sure he takes the right paths in surviving in the end. By the time of the climax, he is willing to forgo his cowardly behavior to stand and protect someone close to him. Really, he's an all-around fun and great character to watch and am looking forward to more of him in the future.
BB-8 fills in the slot of being the assistant droid between the three new heroes, much like R2-D2 from the previous movies. A creation of both practical effects and movie magic (seriously, they had a live action one created and shown off), BB-8 has been a highlight of what an adorable droid could actually turn out to be. It certainly shows how technology has changed (or could change) in the main Star Wars galaxy, while still retaining a 'plucky' charm to its 'beets' and 'woos' when trying to communicate. Also a handy toy to give to kids for holidays and birthdays.
Poe Dameron is the brave and confident pilot of the Resistance, the force which combats the main enemy of the galaxy, the First Order. While more comfortable in the air with his skills, he isn't above fighting on the ground to protect those in need. Unfortunately, he gets some of the less screentime amongst his fellow heroes, but it is enough to give you an idea of what he can do, as well as the relationships he could build off into as the series goes on. Hopefully, he doesn't become a one-off for this series in a movie.
It isn't hard for people to pick out the 'Luke Skywalker' character once they get a look at Rey. Her origins on a desert planet and recruitment into the larger world certainly match the parallels seen in past movies. However, people have made opinions on how she could come off as a 'mary sue'; a character who seems to be perfect at everything. Her mechanical expertise, understanding incoherent speech from the likes of droids and Chewbacca and a backstory that seems a bit contrived and played out. I feel like some people took this thought too far and that Rey certainly shows off of being not just a rookie in the grander galaxy but also one quite latent in the Force. Hopefully, the future movies get more into her character as time goes on.
Finn is my favorite character out of the new heroes, bar none. A guy raised from child abduction into the First Order (I'll get to them in a bit) that soon realized how truly monstrous they are and decides to desert them. Along the way, not only does he find the bravery to stand up to the First Order instead of running, but also finding the path to be a true hero. He can certainly come off as a coward for a good-sized chunk of the money, but he is aware of the dangers in front of him and wants to make sure he takes the right paths in surviving in the end. By the time of the climax, he is willing to forgo his cowardly behavior to stand and protect someone close to him. Really, he's an all-around fun and great character to watch and am looking forward to more of him in the future.
The First Order
Even if you never read the reports concerning the main villains of the movie before its release, you can tell that the First Order is just plain crazy. Think of it as the remnants of the Empire, along with the Dark Side, being worshiped with a cult-like mentality. Great actions take place to ensure that their way is the right way, as well as the only one. They certainly come off as far more dangerous than the Empire in their work, especially with the construction of a planet-busting weapon built inside a planet that uses stars as fuel. Yeah, they are that kind of crazy powerful.
Captain Phasma has been said in interviews to be the equivalent of 'Boba Fett', a character who may not do a lot but you get a sense they are capable of great stuff. Unfortunately, she doesn't get to do a lot and her last scene does a good job of humiliating her. Not much to say about her yet, but hopefully it works out better for her before the new trilogy
is over.
Hux is one of the main leaders of the First Order, with a fanatical devotion to the cause that would make real life villain groups be impressed or terrified with. His relationship with the resident Sith Kylo Ren is more in comparison with two brothers arguing over who gets more respect than two compatriots. They mostly work together out of necessity. Still, he has the mannerisms and behavior of an open psychopath who is willing to destroy planets to deal with a small threat. Not one to be taken likely.
Kylo Ren is a powerful Sith warrior (or at least attempts to be one). His backstory is one of intrigue, as he does his best to reject the Light Side and embrace the Dark Side. He does his best to emulate the late Darth Vader, but his actions and demeanor could easily make others think he's failing under those circumstances. He is powerful, that much is pretty clear, like stopping an energy bolt mid-fire and reading people's thoughts. However, he does seem to have a horrible judge of character, as he doesn't exactly remember what happened in Darth Vader's last moments to the Light Side instead of Dark. That must be due to the leader of the First Order.
This is Supreme Leader Snoke, the master to Kylo Ren who turned him to the Dark Side. He leads the First Order from an unknown destination, preferring to communicate from a hologram. Despite the little info we've gotten on him, it is clear that Snoke is a dangerous Sith that is using the First Order to control the galaxy for him and eliminate all traces of the Jedi. He'll certainly make a full, in person apparance before the trilogy is over (hopefully).
Special Effects
It is interesting to compare both the original and prequel trilogies on the use of special effects. The originals relied more practical effects due to budget concerns and a controlled direction. The prequels focused a lot more on CGI and more open director in George Lucas. With this new trilogy, now headed by J.J. Abrams, the two schools of special effects are mixing into each other in a good way. We're getting more practically done alien creatures and locations while mixing in realistic CGI that doesn't feel thrown in and out of place. One character, Maz Kanata, is a surprising delivery for a realistic character that, you know is CGI, but can clearly see her interacting with the characters rather than just a blank screen. If they continue this route with the special effects, then this new trilogy has a chance of being a grand adventure.
Final Thoughts
"The Force Awakens" is a strong step in the right direction of making a grand 'Star Wars' trilogy. Still, caution will need to be taken as always. A continued focused of great new characters, excellent use of special effects, and moments of 'passing the torch' are needed to help make this stand on its own legs. This is supposed to be a new chapter in this galaxy far, far away. Hopefully, it won't feel so much like a re-tread of past ideas.
That's it for this 'Star Wars' month. We'll see how things are when we get into the next month.
Until then...