Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Welcome to the first post of 'Stories of Entertainment', a new blog amongst the hundreds of other blogs that dot the Internet.

The best question to ask now is: "What makes this blog so different from all the others?" First off, there is me, Pat Rick. Honestly, the amount of laziness put into this title would blow a lot of people's minds.

Second, I'm currently studying in Journalism and having a blog should help me regulate news across the Internet without having to leave me room.

Third, and the most important reason, is that I want to find my own niche in life. I'm already this far into my life and I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with the rest of it. The main focus of my 'dream job' is to entertain people. Since I don't have a camera or video program to host a web series of sorts, I'll just write posts on a weekly basis on my topic.

Wait, I forgot to mention what my topic is for everybody. Oops.

Anyway, my topic for the blog is on stories. No, its not focused on books, but on animated features and video games. Honestly, I don't really enjoy reading books that much. To me, I'm just looking at paper and ink. Animation, in its many forms, has given me a lot of joy and happiness throughout my life. This is just a dedication to the things I like and would like to express that through my posts.

Speaking, I've got a layout of what to expect from each review:
1. The focus of the reviews will be animated movies, animated TV shows, and video games that actually have a plot (so anything like Rock Band where a lot of focus is put into the game play and not the story). Other web series are up in the air as of now, but I may do one or two in the future.
2. Movies are reviewed from start to finish, sometimes skipping over minor details if they don't contribute a lot. Will also throw in a 'making of...' history of the film and how well it received.
3. TV shows are similar by having a 'making of...' section and such, but the review will mostly focus on the first few episodes and such, while just giving an overall look at an entire season of episodes. NOTE: I'm only focusing on shows that have already ended, even if they are going through syndication.
4. Video games are a bit complicated, as game play would need to be noted at least once in the entire post. Otherwise, its a focus on the story content more so than game play.
5. I'm focusing more on the story elements, background, and a lot of the characters introduced. 
6. Spoiler alert! Cause there is going to be a lot of spoilers as I go over a review. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

 Wooh, that was a lot of information to go over, but I"m glad its all said and done. Expect the first review in the next few days. Take care. :)

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