Saturday, April 28, 2012

Review: Super Hero Squad Season 2

Welcome back to "Stories of Entertainment"!

Continuing off from the review last week, today will be about the second season of the 'Super Hero Squad', a show based off of the Marvel comic books and Hasbro toys.

Overall, the last season had a lot of fun to it, combining the campy-ness known to exist during the Silver Age of comics and throwing in shout-outs to lesser-known Marvel characters and such. Things are going to take a bit of a twist in the second season, so lets not waste any time and head on into it, shall we?
(Its like the first season intro...BUT IN SPACE!)

There is a bit of a change in the lineup do to the ending of Season 1's last episode. Taking the place of the Silver Surfer is the Scarlet Witch (who actually appeared in Season 1 with Quicksilver and flirting with Falcon), making her the only female out of the main 6 in the show (Ms. Marvel occasionally shows up, though really is just to look out for the group).

Anyway, most of the season focuses on a new main villain, Thanos (who first appeared as a Skrull taking his identity).  Here, he is focused on gathering all of the Infinity Gems, which would grant him control of the universe (not unlike the Infinity Sword, but I'll get to that later). This forces the team to head off into space in order to confront Thanos and stop his evil plans. This is actually a pretty good idea, since it'll allow spacefareing characters like Nova Corps, Skrulls and Kree to be featured. This season also introduces other heroes like She-Hulk, Man-Thing, Squadron Supreme, and possibly one of the hammiest characters in Marvel's arsenal: Hercules!

(The big guy approves of this!)

Occasionally, the heroes end up back on Earth for other matters, since it apparently takes a while to find the Infinity Stones (there are only 6 in total, so if they found them all rather quickly, it would've been a short second season). This does allow for some character development, like Doctor Doom getting free from a superhero prison since the end of Season 1. Sometimes, they manage to move the story along. Other times, it feels like padding, which usually sucks.

Anyway, near the end of the season, Thanos manages to all of the Infinity Gems (see what I mean) and begins fighting the team. Thankfully, the Silver Surfer comes by to stop Thanos as well. However, as revealed in an episode or two, the Infinity Sword that the Silver Surfer has been carrying around the last couple of episodes have been slowly turning him evil. See, this is the negative side of powerful artifacts like this. Good chance they'll turn you evil.
(At least turning evil gives you a new look, though the glove kinda clashes with the skin)

The now Dark Silver Surfer then gets a hold of the Infinity Gauntlet, sends Thanos away and separates the heroes across time, space and reality. Of course, the heroes manage to reunite once more, while the Dark Silver Surfer starts sending the Earth into a new ice age. Really? That's the big plan? Another ice age? When you control the universe itself, I would be expecting a better doomsday plan than 'another ice age'. Course, could either be just to create drama or maybe a shred of the old personality still in there.

Anyway, as the season comes to a close, the heroes manage to face off against the Dark Silver Surfer, with the villain splitting up the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in six bodies (one for the Space Gem, Reality Gem, Mind Gem, Power Gem, Soul Gem, and Time Gem). Course, the villain goes down, but in a rather surprising twist, Doctor Doom reappears to try and re-capture the Infinity Items. Fortunately, Iron Man manages to fight the bad doc once more (a good call back to the start of the series) and the heroes triumph once more. The Silver Surfer manages to return to normal, though lets himself get imprisoned to make up for his actions when under the control of the Infinity Sword. Alls well that ends well, I guess.

And that is the end of the Super Hero Squad 2nd season, as well as the the series as a whole. Yeah, it gets picked on for looking stupid, talking on the level of kid shows and just seems rather under-payed as a program. Still, there are times where it can talk on a more intelligent level, at least with some stories. There are plenty of shout-outs and callbacks to past Marvel comics, which would be a great time for anyone who really likes the company. Overall, it is a series that has had a better than most people would give it credit for.

And that is it for this review...and now for something completely different:
(Behold! Hercules-as-Thor gives a 'purple nurple' to Thor-as-Hercules)

The Super Hero Squad Show is produced by Film Roman and Marvel Animation

Thanks to Youtube account Shadownidhiki for the intro.

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