Saturday, June 16, 2012

Review: Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Hello and welcome to another review here on 'Stories of Entertainment'.

Sorry for lateness of post. This should've been up last Saturday, but something went wrong. Note to self: when finished with page, press publish.

Continuing off from the last review, I'll be talking about the next game in the Sly Cooper series: Sly 2: Band of Thieves! Now, Sly Cooper won't be the only character out in the open to play as in this game. Now his partners in crime, Bentley the Turtle and Murray the Hippo, the Cooper Gang is together and ready to pull off some major heists. However, with the remnants of an old enemy still around, will they be able to treasure their valuable friendship through the upcoming trials?

Straight from the Sucker Punch Productions studio and published by Sony, its time for the second game of the Sly Cooper series.
(Time to see Bentley and Murray in playable action!)

The game takes place two years after the events of the first game, with the pieces of Clockwerk being on display in a museum in Cairo, Egypt. Not wanting the pieces to fall into the wrong hands, the Cooper Gang decide to try and steal them back. Here, we get a good showing of Bentley and Murray operating out in the field, using their respective talents to help Sly Cooper reach the parts. Unfortunately, by the time Sly gets to them, the Clockwerk parts have already been stolen.
Sure enough, Carmelita is not far behind, now being partnered with a purple tiger lady (literally) named Neyla. While Carmelita immediatly suspects Sly (for good reason), Neyla suggests it was the work of another group known as the Klaww Gang. Making a note of that idea, Sly Cooper and his gang escape, leaving Carmelita infuriated. 

The gang agrees that any part of Clockwerk is dangerous and do their best to get as much research as they can on the Klaww Gang, in that inevitable event where both gangs cross each other. The first one they come across is a counterfeit moneymaker/night club owner named Dmitri. Dmitri is an Iguana guy who tried making a name for himself as an artist. Since that didn't take, he turned to forging, first by making famous paintings and now money. Interestedly enough, he makes his money using the Clockwerk Tail Feathers. That gives the Cooper Gang more reason to take a trip to Dmitri's night club.
(Apparently, he learned to speak English by watching hip hop videos. Explains why most, if not everything, he says makes no sense.)

A bit of sneaking and surveying was in order, with Sly Cooper managing to break into Dmitri's forgery facility. Dmitri, in his own 'interesting' form of English, tries to bribe Sly Cooper into letting iguana keep the Clockwerk Tail Feathers. When an agreement couldn't be reached (as well as an insult from Sly questioning Dmitri's tastes in suits), a fight breaks out. Dmitri puts up a surprising fight, shooting out lasers from what looks like his rings. Naturally, Sly manages to bean the iguana criminal and take back the Clockwerk Tail Feathers.

After a brief break from a successful heist, the Cooper Gang move on to their next target: an illegal 'spice' lord named Rajan. Rajan is an India tiger who grew up as a street urchin, making a living by selling 'spice' in the black market. As he got older, he made a killing out of it and started to take on a more 'royal' appearance. Rajan does his best to make himself seem like royalty, even purchasing a palace and calling it his 'ancestral' home. Heck, he even uses one of the Clockwerk pieces (namely, the wings), as nothing more than decoration.

(There is more to this guy than meets the eye and there is no doubt that he has a few tricks up his non-existent sleeves)

Taking the opportunity, the Cooper gang manages to infiltrate Rajan's home, with Sly going undercover during a party the Indian tiger has set up. Sly manages to encounter Carmelita at the party as well, who is also undercover. Sly decides to dance with Carmelita as a way to distract Rajan while Murray goes in to take the wings. With Murray successful, Sly makes a quick exit while everyone is distracted by the theft of the Clockwerk Wings. Furious, Carmelita reveals herself as a police officer, making several arrests. Unfortunately, Rajan escapes capture and heads deeper into the Indian jungle.

 After a brief break from the action (which involves a trip to Bollywood, India's Hollywood equivalent), the Cooper gang continue their search for Rajan. This leads them to a jungle that is home to some ancient ruins. Here, they discover Rajan's main 'spice' facility, there he makes and distributes his product across the black market. He also has another piece of Clockwerk: his heart. With it, Rajan has managed to increase 'spice' production immensely. Now, there is even more reason to stop Rajan.

As they gang are close to stopping Rajan, Neyla comes by to offer her assistance. While skeptical, Sly agrees and two try to charge Rajan. However, Neyla betrays Sly and Sly ends up knocked out by Rajan. Seeing his friend taken out, Murray jumps in to take on the tiger. This does show off how much of a force Murray is when he sees his friends in danger. Sure enough, Murray lays the smack down on Rajan and reclaims the Clockwerk Heart.

However, things take a turn for the worst, with Neyla appearing with Carmelita and a spider lady named the Contessa (Its actually a title. Her real name is currently unknown). Not only is Sly and Murray arrested, but Carmelita as well, with Neyla using the dance with Sly and Carmelita as evidence. Bentley manages to escape, but realizes he must break into a maximum security prison to save his friends.

(Someone on the Sucker Punch team must be a fan of D&D.)

The Contessa is definitely one of the darker characters in the Sly Cooper franchise, having very little to do with humor at all, both in design and actions. Her history states that she was a widow to a wealthy aristocrat who died under mysterious circumstances (though it is suggested that she poisoned one of his drinks). She works in Interpol as a criminal rehabilitation expert, creating a maximum security prison in Prague. One of her techniques involves hypno-therapy, which will no doubt be used on Sly and Murray. Now it was time for Bentley to rescue his friends, even if it would mean his own capture.

Bentley manages to get out Sly fine enough , but they run into more trouble when they realize Murray is being subjected to hypno-therapy. So the pair devise a plan to get Murray out (using a tank as a 'trojan horse' of sorts) and need to smack some sense into Murray (who had ingested some 'spice' and has gone nuts). They manage to reunite, bu the Contessa escapes from the Cooper Gang. Despite losing the drider, the gang was glad to be back together.

After a break, the Cooper gang decide to take on the Contessa in her own home, discovering some new information about her: Not only is she an undercover member of he Klaww Gang but she also has the Clockwerk Eyes with her as well. Even more importantly, (at least to Sly Cooper), Carmelita is also there as well, being subjugated by hypno-therapy.

Naturally, the Cooper Gang manages to bear the Contessa and retrieve the Clockwerk Eyes. However, Neyla gets the credit for the capture instead and Carmelita is still on the run. The Cooper Gang hides out for a bit before learning where the rest of the Clockwerk pieces are kept.

 A bit of sleuthing would reveal several of the pieces in Canada, used by one of the last members of the Klaww Gang (apart from their leader): Jean Bison. The Canadian Bison once lived in the 1850s, during a great gold rush in Canada. An accident occurred which led to the guy being frozen solid. Cut to about 150 years later and he manages to wake up in modern times. Sticking to his values, Jean Bison carved a nasty trail of deforestation and train ways.

(In the past, Jean Bison might've been considered a hero in a way. Now, he is just another criminal.)

 The first few missions against the Canadian Bison deals with hijacking a few of his trains, which were shipping lots of 'spices' across North America. Oddly enough, the trains are powered up by the Clockwerk Lungs and Stomach (How does this relate to trains, I may never know). While they managed to retrieve the lungs without too much difficulty, Neyla manages to encounter them on the train containing the stomach. Despite her having an advantage with an airplane, Neyla gets blasted out of the sky and the Cooper Gang recovers the Clockwerk Stomach.

However, the Cooper Gang aren't finished yet. They learn of how Jean Bison had a connected to the Northern Lights, which were acting strangely for quite some time now. The gang also discover that Jean Bison also has the Clockwerk Talons, which are capable of cutting straight through steel. Wasting no time, the gang goes to work.

They find a lighthouse being used to collect the energy given off by the Northern Lights and storing it into a battery. With that destroyed, they decide to confront Jean Bison himself. Interestingly enough, he is hosting a set of 'lumberjack games' with the Talons as a prize. The group enter and manage to win (while cheating in a few games), though Jean Bison sees through their deceit and just gives them the Talons by throwing them straight at the gang, knocking them out instantly.

They soon wake up, having been captured by Jean Bison and placed inside a control room. Bentley manages to squeeze through a small opening to get outside and try to free his friends. Unfortunately, Bentley comes across Jean Bison, who revealed that he managed to find all of the Clockwerk parts the gang stashed in a secret hideout and sold them to Arpeggio. Not willing to put up with Jean Bison's taunting, Bentely decides to take him head on, with a little help from Sly in the control room.

With Jean Bison's defeat, the gang gets word of Arpeggio paying a visit to pick up the Northern Lights battery. The gang decides to hide out in the battery and wait for the pick-up. They are successful, but realize how desperate their situation has become. With Arpeggio in possession of all of the Clockwerk parts, it'll only be a matter of time before Clockwerk is reborn once more.

 (Despite his small frame and evilness, he is quite stylish. I really want that beret.)

The gang manages to confront Arpeggio, with Neyla also present and working with the Klaww Gang leader. Arpeggio explains how he intends to use the Northern Lights battery to power a hypnotizing device that was built by the Contessa. He uses it to influence people who've eaten food sprinkled with spice (thanks to Dmitri) to send everyone in Paris into a frenzy of hate. He also reveals a key component to the Clockwerk frame, which actually powers all of the other Clockwerk parts: the Hate Chip. Its this component that has kept Clockwerk alive for as long as he was, containing all that hate of rage to power the framework and effectively granting immortality to him (of sorts).

Before entering the Clockwerk body, Arpeggio is betrayed by Neyla (wow, what a shocker). Considering how much betraying she has done in the past, its a wonder that Arpeggio is even surprised by her actions. So Neyla jumps into the framework instead, becoming Clock-la. A great battle ensues on Arpeggio's blimp, with the Cooper Gang doing their best to take on Clock-la. An interesting note is that as the battle goes on, Clock-la starts to get angrier and angrier. This is probably a sign of what kind of effects the Hate Chip has on people through prolonged contact.

The gang manages to ground Clock-la and make their way to the head, which houses the Hate Chip. After they open the mouth, Bentley (being the smallest) manages to squeeze through to grab the chip. However, the mouth closes on Bentley as he tries to get out. After Murray pushes the mouth back open, we get a line that had probably shook several video gamers once they first heard it:

"Someone pick me up! I can't move my legs!"

 I'm guessing that got a lot of people surprised at seeing one of the main characters injured like that. There aren't that many games (at least to my knowledge) to do something like that.

As for the ending itself, er, I'll let it play as is.

...and that would be the end of Sly 2: Band of Thieves.

Like its predecessor, Sly 2 manages to combine a cast of colorful characters with a story that can get down right intimidating. With some great gameplay added to the mix and we have another great game for the Sly Cooper series. Tune in next time for the third game in the series: Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves.

Until next time...

Sly 2: Band of Thieves is owned by Sucker Punch productions.

 Thanks to JakandDaxterMaster and Oxybelis for the videos.

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