Saturday, September 8, 2012

Guild Wars 2: A Look into Destiny's Edge

Welcome to another post on 'Stories of Entertainment'.

Well, the highly-anticipated 'Guild Wars 2' has been out for at least a week. The Buy-To-Play MMORPG is  already turning peoples' heads with its skill mechanics, massive fantasy world, and a surprisingly loyal fanbase. This ArenaNet production is, of course, the sequel to the 2005 hit 'Guild Wars'.

Now, for my opinion on 'Guild Wars'? I never really got into it. It just didn't seem to get me into the daily grind of an MMORPG. Its status as a Buy-To-Play did get my attention, but it really didn't amount to much once I got the game started. To me at the time, it felt like a poor version of 'World of Warcraft'. I know, its a crappy comment, but that was how I felt at the time. My opinion hasn't exactly improved on the original as time passed on, even when the 'Hall of Monuments' awards program went online.

'Guild Wars 2', on the other hand? I felt immediately invested in my characters, loving the setting pieces for each place and the combat was pretty fun (especially when you get a huge crowd of people to complete one event). While you might not consider its gameplay to be incredibly revolutionary, its still works for the game itself.

Anyway, backpedal a bit to what I wanted to talk about in 'Guild Wars 2': its characters. Not the PCs, mind you, but the characters that would be the kind you would see in a TV show like 'Justice League'. These are the heroes who would've been the leads in a story: the group called Destiny's Edge.

(This should give you a good idea of what to expect from the heroes)

The game itself takes place about 250 years after 'Guild Wars', so locations and characters are bound to change. From this change, players are allowed to pick from 5 different races to play as and 8 different professions (i.e.classes) to choose from. 

From the races, we have:
  • Humans: The original playable race from 'Guild Wars', the humans are kind of on the 'dying race' side of things (which is ironic, given their position in other games). With most of their original kingdoms fallen, the city of Kryta is the only one still standing. Even so, that won't stop bandits or a corrupt upper class from trying to take it over for their own. As always, humans are bastards, even in the face of possible extinction.
  • Charr: A race of cat-like people who used to be enemies in the original 'Guild Wars', they have become their allies in this day and age. Very industrious and militaristic, the Charr have managed to carve out a new homeland for themselves and won't let anyone try to dislodge them out of it. Course, they have to contend with the Flame Legion, a group of Charr who dominated the rest before being overthrown, and ghosts from the conquered human kingdom of Ascalon.
  • Norn: This giant-like race is your typical Norse parallel, with the added fact that they were run out of their homes by the Elder Dragon known as Jormag. After making a new home, the Norn won't back down from a fight and are preparing to face off against Jormag once more. As always, they have trouble of their own, like a group called the Sons of Svanir, who worship Jormag as a deity. Course, nothing like a good pounding to make sure that group stays down.
  • Asura: Think of them as the gnomes of 'Guild Wars'. Intelligent in both science and magic, the asura is one of the smartest races in the world and boy, do they like to boast about it. At times, their experiments run the risk of going out of control, but give them credit that they are willing to fix their mistakes, especially if they're someone else's. While they do best not to harm other intelligent life on purpose, the splinter group called the Inquest won't like ideas like morality stop their experiments.
  • Sylvari: The sylvari are actually a new race, with their oldest being only born 25 years ago. From a massive plant known as the Pale Tree, the sylvari are a bit naive but willing to learn and fight to defend themselves as well as others. In a way, they are basically elves in plant form. Like the races before them, there is another faction that seeks to usurp them: the Nightmare Court. Since sylvari transfer their experience through the Pale Tree, the Nightmare Court intends to separate them from it.
Now onto the different professions:
  • Warrior: Your standard bruiser, armored up and capable of wielding an assortment of weapons. Also known to carry banners and shout inspiration to their comrades.
  • Guardian: The 'paladin' of sorts, using magic alongside their armor. Can use virtues, wards, and even summon ethereal weaponry to help in a fight.
  • Engineer: The builder who uses guns, turrets and all manner of explosions in a fight. Uses a tool-belt to switch up tools during a confrontation.
  • Ranger: A protector of the wild, with an animal companion at their side. Can use some nature magic to  summon spirits and also set up some traps.
  • Thief: Stealth and guile are only part of the thief's arsenal. There is also an amount of tools, poisons and tricks to take out their enemies.
  • Elementalist: An expert in air, water, fire, and earth, wielding each one with great ease. They often focus on one element above all, as well as use some arcane spells.
  • Necromancer: Master of the dead and bringer of plague (of sorts). Expect people's health to drop quickly when they're fighting this class.
  • Mesmer: Expert in the mental arts, capable of creating convincing illusions and mental projections. These 'clones' are capable of fighting for limited amounts of time.
Now that the races and classes are out of the way, its time to move onto the heroes of Destiny's Edge themselves.

First up is the human guardian known as Logan Thackeray.

Logan was once a scout working at a defensive perimeter near Ebonhawke. At one point, he joined up with the adventurers Rytlock and Caithe, forming the group called Edge of Steel. He later met with the queen of the humans named Jennah, whom he shares a magical bond with that allows them to alert one another of their danger.

Eventually, the Edge of Steel met with Dragonspawn's Destiny, with Eir, Zojja and Snaff amongst that group. The two groups formed Destiny's Edge and took to fighting the Elder Dragon's themselves. After defeating many of the dragon's champions, they attempted to kill an Elder Dragon itself. Unfortunately, Logan's bond with Queen Jennah forced him to come to her aid during as assault at Ebonhawke, resulting in the Elder Dragon's escape and Snaff's death.

The group disbanded and Logan ended up working with the Seraph, a police force of the human city, Divinity's Reach. During the time of 'Guild Wars 2' he serves as a close ally to the human PC.

Now onto the charr warrior of Destiny's Edge: Rytlock Brimstone.

Rytlock Brimstone is known as the Tribune of the Blood Legion, one of the faction groups that compose the charr (the other include Ash Legion, Iron Legion, and the traitorous Flame Legion). As Tribune, Rytlock is one of the leaders in the Blood Legion.

Rytlock, like more charr, have been distrustful of humanity for centuries. This was during a time where the charr were constantly fighting humans, leading to the capture of Ascalon in the process. Eventually, the two sides managed to break into a piece, with the humans returning a legendary charr weapon back to the charr. Rytlock, meanwhile, became part of Destiny's Edge, having a good friendship with Logan Thackeray.

However, with Snaff's death and Destiny's Edge's dissolution, Rytlock started to resent humans slightly. He eventually returned to the Blood Legion and serve as the Tribune since then.

Our next member to look at is the norn ranger, Eir Stegalkin.
Eir is one of champions of the Norn, not as boastful as other members though. What she makes up in her lack of pride in self is her connect to the spirits of the world. Its not so much a connection to the spirits as it is an understanding to their nature.

Still, it was enough to form a group with the Asuran pair, Zojja and Snaff. When Destiny's Edge was formed, she was made to be their leader, using her expertise as a hunter to find the lieutenants of the Elder Dragons. After the failure of killing one of the Elder Dragons, she left for home once more. Since then, she has had a quiet life, which has brought about some negative views against her. This is due to the Norn's belief in honoring people for their amazing tasks and, since Eir hasn't performed so much after a while, would often frown upon those who they feel waste their lives.

Course, Eir has kept herself busy in other ways. She has put a focus to stone sculptures, often making them in the images of the Spirits. She has had some difficulty getting her pet wolf Garm to pose for one, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Next on the list is the asura elementalist, Zojja.

One of the most intelligent members of Destiny's Edge, Zojja is considered one of the premiere geniuses in Rata Sum. This is pretty impressive, considering how most asura consider themselves geniuses and, upon seeing their work, its not hard to see why. At the time, Zojja was a apprentice to Snaff, leading to an interesting dilema when they both consider the other more intelligent than themselves. Confusing? Pretty much, yeah.

The asura pair end up meeting with Eir, from which they form the Dragonspawn's Destiny group. After meeting up with the Edge of Steel and creating Destiny's Edge, a plan was soon hatched to take down an Elder Dragon. Snaff's and Zojja's knowledge helped pin the Elder Dragon down, but due to Logan's departure, Snaff ended up being killed and the Elder Dragon (of course) fled.

Zojja was particularly upset at the death of her colleague, teacher, and friend. She returned to Rata Sum in grief, though eventually got out of it to return to inventing new mystical items and machinery.

The final member of Destiny's Edge is the sylvari thief known as Caithe.
Caithe is by far the most mysterious amongst Destiny's Edge. Known as one of the Firstborn of the Sylvari (meaning she is at most 25 years old), Caithe was usually the one who stayed to the shadows more often than not. While she means well, its hard to say if her intentions are entirely good or not.

During her time in Destiny's Edge, she was followed by a former lover named Faolain. While Faolain attempted to poison Caithe to join the Nightmare Court, Caithe refused to yield to her lover's wishes. Eventually the poison became too great and Caithe almost perished, but Faolain took the poison herself to spare Caithe.

After the failure to kill one of the Elder Dragons, Caithe returned to the shadows once more. Hard to say what to expect next out of such a mysterious being.

...Alright, that covers about every member of Destiny's Edge. Hope this has been a bit helpful for you and enjoy your time in Guild Wars 2!

Until next time...

Guild Wars 2 is owned by ArenaNet.

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