Saturday, December 15, 2012

Review: Lollipop Chainsaw

Welcome to another post of 'Stories of Entertainment'!

Oh, Japan, somehow, you manage to create some strange and wonderful things. From your ground-breaking anime to that tentacle hentai, its hard sometimes to figure out what fits in the 'awesome' category to 'just plain strange'. This is because some things tend to overlap one another, like 'Lollipop Chainsaw'.


Yes, 'Lollipop Chainsaw' is an action hack and slash game with you playing as a monster hunter with an overly cutesy chainsaw killing zombies left and right. With the colorful cheerleader going around slicing up zombies in such candy coated fashion, it'll probably make you want to puke rainbows...or just plain puke. Seriously, with a lot of disgusting zombie stuff that will happen over the course of the game, I have no hard feelings if you just want to take some time to vomit before continuing.

Anyway, the game starts in the bedroom of our protagonist Juliet Starling (awkward), a cheerleader for San Romero High School, and it happens to be her 18th birthday (less awkward). She talks about her family, the fact that they're all monster hunters like herself and how she is late at meeting her boyfriend, Nick Caryle, at the start of the school day. It gets worse when the zombies come around and Nick ends up getting bitten. To save him, Juliet enacts a ritual by cutting off his head and reviving him. I know, weird.

The pair manage to meet up with Juliet's sensei, Morikawa. He explains how someone has breached a hole to a dimension called Rotten World, home to demons and zombies, with explosives and dark magic. They manage to track down the source, who is apparently a gothic emo guy named Swan. The guy decides that he's had enough of his sucky life and decides to destroy the world by summoning a group of powerful zombie demons known as the Dark Purveyors. Morikawa tries to stop them, but gets his ass kicked. Juliet steps in to take on the first Dark Purveyor, a foul-mouthed punk rocker named Zed. Despite his power, Zed gets cut down and killed, though uttering a weird incantation during his death. Morikawa appears, though id dying from the injuries he has sustained. He warns Juliet about the other Dark Purveyors and how they must all by stopped before passing on.

With Morikawa put to rest, Juliet and Nick continue their fight against the zombies, finding a giant flying Viking ship steered by another Dark Purveyor: the black metal zombie known as Vikke. They managed to get a bit of help from Juliet's older sister, Cordelia, a very talented sniper. Once having boarded the giant flying vessel, Juliet fights against Vikke and tears the zombie apart with her chainsaw. Weirdly enough, he utters the same incantation Zed had said when he was dying.

As Vikke's boat falls after his death, Juliet and Nick run into Juliet's younger sister, Rosalind, who is very dangerous when driving a vehicle. Hitching a ride, the trio try to find the location of the next Dark Purveyor. To Juliet's surprise, she finds Rosalind being possessed by said Dark Purveyor the whole time, launching the trio into an alternate dimension. This Dark Purveyor is a hippie named Marishka, who has taken Rosalind hostage. Juliet manages to fight off Marishka, decapitating her and landing back into the real world. Marishka chants her incantation as well upon death, while Juliet gets a phone call from an autotune guy (the next Dark Purveyor) who explains that he's holding Rosalind hostage now. While trying to figure out how to rescue her sister, Juliet gets a surprise visit from her father, an Elvis look-alike named Gideon.

They both come up with a plan to rescue Rosalind: while Juliet distracts the Dark Purveyor (a funk-loving zombie named Josey) and fight them, Gideon would rescue his youngest daughter in all of the chaos. For awhile, Juliet is successful in taking on Josey, but the funk zombie tries to double back on their deal and warns Juliet about killing her sister if she tries to kill him. Fortunately, Gideon manages to rescue Rosalind in time, leaving Juliet free to kill Josey once and for all. And, like all the other Dark Purveyors before him, he chants some weird chant as he dies. I'm pretty sure Chekov had a hand in writing this.

Anyway, Juliet, her sisters, father, and boyfriend go tackle Swan and the final Dark Purveyor: a rock and roll zombie with a guitar/gatling gun named Lewis Legend. With his death, Swan explains how he tricked Juliet into killing them to summon the lord of the zombies, Killabilly. Swan kills himself to complete the summoning and brining forth a massive, blubbering zombie who resembles a dead Elvis impersonator. With a sacrifice blow to Killabilly by Gideon (he gets better), Juliet manages to stop the monster at the cost of her boyfriend. However, with Morikawa's spirit, he returns alive and in a new body...which happened to by Morikawa's. Still, the world is saved and such...

...also, depending on how many people were saved during the game (forgot to mention that earlier, sry), u get a scene of either the Starling mother being alive or a zombie in a cutscene. Awesome.

And with that, so ends Lollipop Chainsaw. God, what a crazy-ass game.

Until next time, watch out for zombies and cheerleaders with chainsaws.

Lollipop Chainsaw was developed by Grasshopper Manufacture.

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