Monday, August 3, 2015

Restarting an Old Work

Something I've been meaning to do for awhile, but never put forth the effort.

Been so focused on finding a proper job that I forgot to continue this again. Unfortunate, really. So I want to change that.

What exactly would be the focus for my new posts? Hard to say, too much out there to talk about, just not enough time to get it all in. Will keep a focus on stuff that I enjoy so I don't get board with it, mostly video games, film and cartoons. Even then, it gets a bit chaotic on a single subject.

Should definitely be doing a couple of posts each week to keep things interesting. May not all be on the same subject, but the variety should help.

Speaking of, any suggestions for topic to do one way is always appreciate, as is comments.

Thanks for reading and hope you see you again soon.

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