Friday, August 21, 2015

The Secret World: Combining Urban Fantasy with Horror in the Best of Ways

I'm starting things off a bit differently with this post, because something like this deserves a different kind of introduction. My experience with MMORPGs can be summed up by ten different games, in no particular order:

  1. World of Warcraft
  2. City of Heroes/City of Villains
  3. Champions Online
  4. Dungeon Fighters Online
  5. Final Fantasy 14
  6. TERA
  7. Wildstar
  8. Guild Wars 2
  9. Star Wars: The Old Republic
  10. The Secret World
Out of just this list, I can say without a doubt, that 'The Secret World' stands out as one of the most unique MMORPGs that I've every played. The story, characters, even the setting stand out in a way unlike any MMO before or after it.

You know why? Its the real world. Funcom had the idea to develop their setting like our Earth, at least in so far as a certain couple of levels. It all seems so recognizable, doesn't it? Even if you haven't been to places the game sends you, like London, Korea or Egypt, you certainly have a good idea of what it could be and what it is. 

I'm getting a bit off track. Lets try and start this from the beginning...somewhat.

You play as a character who has been given special abilities by 'The Bees', a mysterious race , that allow you to respawn  and use abilities through the source 'Anima'. From there, you can use a select set of weapons to channel that power, like a hammer, gun (they don't use normal bullets, just the Anima') and even items that allow you to use 'magic' like elementalism. You can actually use all of them, though each on has abilities that help heal others, defending against attacks or just plain supporting the group. Its up to you to decide which path you want to take first, though you can master them all in due time.

Pretty soon, you end up getting shang-highed by one of the secret societies that work in the shadows of the game. There are three to choose from at the start: The Illuminati based in New York, The Templars in London, and the Dragon in Seoul, Korea. Each one has a distinct image, attire, method and color to their organization.
You can figure out which is which.

  • The Illuminati: For them, power is everything. They broker and barter with deals on this plane of existence and multiple others. They treat their organization like a business: aim high and shoot for higher. Any failure would meet with unfortunate responses. They aren't afraid of doing dirty jobs so long as they get to come out ahead. In fact, it is very much their preferred method. They won't mind sending someone like you out into the field to gather information, but there is a reason they prefer to remain a 'secret society'.
  • The Templars: Don't get them confused for the religious faction that was centuries ago. Their main bond is through tradition, not religion. Still, don't mistaken them for the true 'good guys' here. In the past, they were willing to burn down an entire village if it meant going after one demon and that attitude hasn't change so much as been modernized. They fully believe to protect the world from things that go bump in the night. Humanity first seems to be their primary goal, after all.
  • The Dragon: This is the only society out of the trio that is truly mysterious. They prefer to employ chaos and manipulate events to their own advantage. They do not seek to control the world, only change it to their ways. Predictive models based on 'random data' help them decide on which paths to take and which paths to prevent occurring. It is not a perfect system, but that is why they employ agents like you onto the field. It is a very strange group to be a part of, as you truly do not know your entire role in it all.
That is a big thing about this game. You aren't exactly a 'good guy'. You are simply doing a job that fits your new capabilities. Comes with free travel via the 'Hollow Earth' Agartha, which can transport you to anywhere in the world. A good health plan where you can be brought back through the Anima and the Bees. Safety, however, cannot be guaranteed.

There are only a few locations you can travel to, but they aren't certainly the safest places to be... Solomon Island in northeast america, where a strange rolled in and starting bring the dead to life...

...Egypt, which has become a hotbed of occult activity that is trying to bring about the end of the world...

...and Transylvania, where a war is being waged between all sorts of monsters, like vampires and werewolves, all in the name of survival... doesn't seem like a lot of places to go, but the areas are far larger than you would've expected. 

The dangers, however...

There is a tagline to this game; 'Everything is true'. In a way, that is both right and wrong. Everything is true but few of them are accurate. The monsters you face are much like you expect from the stories, but somehow far worse than you can imagine...

...undead warriors from the era of Vikings...
...interdimensional locusts...
...bogeymen that haunt the living world and nightmares...
...creatures born of those that eat the flesh of man, the wendigo...
...your vampires and werewolves without the glitz and glamour...
...the Old Ones...

I'm pretty much scratching the surface of what lies in 'The Secret World' when it comes to its monsters and menaces. It isn't for the feint of heart to travel to them undefended. You might encounter those that have survived them, but thrived? Unless they've had the prior experience for it, I doubt they are actually 'thriving'. Then again, I'm only referencing the monsters that could exist in folk lore and pop culture.

Humanity can be monsters as well, should they try hard enough.

The three secret societies I've mentioned before aren't the only ones trying to grab power. There are some out there who make this trio look like the healthier option by a mile. 

There are the Phoenicians, who are more along the lines of smugglers and thieves for their interest in collecting information and powerful artifacts. However, they are willing to perform any deeds to get what they want, making the reputation even more horrid compared to the other societies like the Dragon and Illuminati.

The Morninglight, despite coming across like a 'New Age hippie movement', have more sinister machinations as you journey deeper into the game. Do not be fooled by much of their kindness and gratitude; many of their members are more interested in assembling power for a darker master than you'd first believe. Just be sure to figure out who is sooner than later.

Finally, there is the Orochi Group. You can already imagine them as the 'big evil corporation' just by the name and placement. Good, you're picking up quick. You might find safety with a few who haven't be driven mad working for the place, but they are quite spread out across the world. Those that do find you often have a bigger plan in store for their leaders, something that the other societies take note and are afraid of.

So, come join 'The Secret World' if you dare. It is buy to play, so you don't have to worry about subscriptions. You can still buy some fun goodies on the side should you prefer that instead.

The door is open now.

Would you like to step through?

Until next time...

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