Friday, September 25, 2015

Thoughts on Upcoming 'Overwatch' Closed Beta

This isn't even the current roster

I've gotten tired with writing the past few weeks of 'doom and gloom' with DC's upcoming releases. Wanted to focus on more upbeat subjects instead and maybe lay off the comics for a little while (at least a week). 

Thankfully, we have 'Overwatch' to help with that.

For those unfamiliar with the game, it is Blizzard's latest release not based off of any prior IP (Starcraft, Warcraft or Diablo, to name a few). It is, however, developed after the cancellation of Blizzard's secret development 'Project Titan', which spun out into this game.

The story of the game is a future Earth has been in war with robots for a couple of decades. Overwatch was the group developed to fight the robots, even becoming a peace keeping organization after the war. However, corruption within the ranks caused the group to fall apart, though many of its members are still around to keep up the good fight as mercenaries. 

The gameplay itself is more First Person Shooter with games like 'Team Fortress 2'. Maps include objects like moving an object from point A to B or defending certain places to score points and whatnot. Locations vary from different parts of the world people would recognize, like England, Russia and Egypt, though with highly advanced technology and aesthetics.

The characters the player may play as? Incredible. They've only just  released 18 different characters that have different weapons and abilities to use in combat. Still, they can all be sorted in four different categories:
  • Offense: High damage dealers that are plenty in number and will help you widdle down your opponents in a hurry.
  • Tank: The 'big guys' who can take a lot of damage and dish it out at the same time.
  • Defense: If you need to save and protect a point of interest, they are the characters for you.
  • Support: They help buff your team with heals or status effects, as well as change the arena up a bit.
I've already got a short list of characters I'm liking so far. Lets see...

"Cheers, love. The cavalry's here!"

Tracer is a speedy Offense character that has quickly become the poster child for the 'Overwatch' game. Caught in a time displacement problem, her condition is now managed that allows her to dart quickly across the field and recall herself out of tight spots. Her bubbly personality keeps the game feeling quite upbeat, as opposed to the darker entries in Blizzard's catalog.

"Death walks among you."

Reaper is a guy who just likes to kill. While he sounds static in personality, his Offense combat style revolves around dual wielding shotguns and shadow abilities allow him to move fast and kill faster. He certainly bears a grudge against Overwatch since its dissolution, taking a personal pleasure in killing off former agents. Not somebody you'd want to encounter period.

"Justice will be done."

A cool old guy in powered knight armor wielding a giant rocket-propeled hammer? Awesome. Fits well as Tank character too. 

"Together, we are strong."

A female Tank who subverts the usual body type in games and goes for a muscular build to fit the role. On top of that is a gravity cannon that will wreck havoc on enemy positioning. All for the sake of protecting people rather than personal glory.

"Build'em up, break'em down!"

Yes, he looks so much like a dwarf and his Defense role fits in line with someone so dwarf-y. He's got the turret building of the Engineer, but can also overheat his personal forge to activate 'Molten Core', allowing him increased health, speed and attack power. Size matters not here.

"Come on, let's bring it together!"

A sound-based Support who can passively heal or speed up his teammates, as well as boost that power for a short time. He is a Brazillian who rebelled against a corporation who attempted to buy up much of the people's land for themselves. He even used their own technology against them with his sound blaster and skates. Still, he's a pretty chill guy after all that.

Its been a good long while since I've been excited for an online team shooter game. I could never get into stuff like 'Halo', 'Call of Duty' or even 'Team Fortress 2'. I like a cartoony style as much as the next person, but it doesn't hurt to have a little bit more. Plus, I feel better jumping into a game recently released (even in beta form) than joining in on something that has been going on for years.

Cross your fingers and hope for the best, yeah?

Until next time...

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