Friday, January 15, 2016

Nothing but Star Wars: Jedi, Sith, and the Force

Wanted to touch on a bit more serious matter, at least when it comes to the pop culture of Star Wars. There is certainly a lot to it, from the different eras of the universe, to the creation and dissolution of entire civilizations and one of its major focuses, the Force.

'The Force' is a thing that is all encompassing: it is a metaphysical, spiritual, binding and ever-present power that has been present throughout the Star Wars universe. It has been treated with both a light side and a dark side, spawning the orders of both Jedi and Sith.

So let us compare the two, shall we?

Or rather, the four?

The difference between 'light side' and 'dark side' are pretty self-explanatory. 'Light side' deals with points concerning compassion, mercy, selflessness and benevolence. 'Dark side', meanwhile, is more on point with aggression, fear, hatred and jealousy. However, neither side is limited to either the Jedi or Sith orders. Instead, it all comes down to the individuals of each orders.

Let us start with the Jedi.

"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force."

This is the Jedi Code, focusing on the merits of inner strength and calmness, never digging into temptation and letting themselves being at one with the universe. They let themselves become weapons of the Force, in a matter of speaking, often trying to act for the betterment of the galaxy rather than for their own selves.

As for the Sith:

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I achieve victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."

The Sith believe the Force to be a gateway to power, to release. They use their emotions to help fuel their power, as a means to gain influence and standing the galaxy through any means necessary. Emotion is their leader, instead of logic.

But that does not make the Sith evil or the Jedi good.

In 'Star Wars' lore, both canon and non-canon, you've had characters of both Sith and Jedi commit acts that would go against their own beliefs. There have been Sith who've acted honorably enough to be considered part of the 'light side', while there are Jedi who have fallen to the sway of the 'dark side' for their own reasons. When they say they are part of either group, while they truly believe it, their actions clearly show otherwise.

Going back into 'The Old Republic', any class you choose can romance a few of your companions (only of the opposite sex and one option a piece for most). For Jedi classes, they actually get 'dark side' points for pursuing romances since it goes against their code as Jedi. For Sith classes, they gain 'light side' points since they are being rather benevolent in their actions. 

Then you get something inbetween, known as a 'Grey Jedi' or simple 'Grey'.

These are the Force-wielders who have not fallen into the 'dark side', yet don't wholly embrace the 'light side'. They often work for the betterment of civilization, yet feel that the former is too emotional to properly lead and the latter is too passive to actually make a difference. It is a very interesting divide between the two, at the very least.

While they do not have an official code, fans have already come up one that suits them fine:

Flowing through all, there is balance
There is no peace without a passion to create
There is no passion without peace to guide
Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act
Power blinds without the serenity to see
There is freedom in life
There is purpose in death
The Force is all things and I am the Force

Honestly? That suits me just fine.

Until next time...

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