Friday, January 8, 2016

Nothing but Star Wars: The Old Republic

Welcome back. Over the last few weeks, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" has made a massive splash onto the silver screen. Its setting records to rank as one of the most, if not the most, successful opening weekends as well as among the most high-grossing films in decades.

For this month, I'll be delving into some Star Wars-esque entertainment outside of the original and prequel trilogy. This would involve looking into video games, tv shows and even some old lore from the once-Expanded Universe (I'll get to this later).

For now, lets turn to a game that came about through the popularity of its predecessors, yet still required years before it could be properly popular: "Star Wars: The Old Republic".

"Star Wars: The Old Republic" is owned and developed by Bioware, who also created the original games of "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" and its sequel. Taking several hundred years after the original pair, the Empire makes a return back from dark space to challenge the Republic in open conflict. Jedi and Sith alike call to arms to face one another as they aid their respective allies to maintain control over the galaxy.

The MMORPG boasted eight different classes, four for the Empire and Republic, as well as fully voiced characters and cutscenes with a storyline fit for not just the planets, but for the chosen characters as well. They are also accompanied by their own companions they acquire on their journey, capable of supporting the character through healing, damage or taking damage. Unfortunately, the game underperformed for several months before moving to 'Free to Play', which many before expected to happen from the get go. Still, it has managed to garner enough support for expansions, including the latest major storyline "Rise of the Fallen Empire".

I've recently gotten back into the game, mostly thanks to the ability to just play through the storyline to get to the new content. There are three main chapters for each character class before they all join together in the same story, so lets start there.

First up is the Republic and its Force-wielding warrior, the Jedi Knight:

Capable of wielding one or two lightsabers, the Jedi Knight is the front line fighter of the Order and the Republic. Your character is hailed as one of the best new combatants of the Order, tackling the challenges in front of them with no worries. Their first chapter has them run similar to that of famous Jedi like Luke Skywalker, talking down a powerful Sith lord that seeks to wipe out the Republic. They even get their own droid and Padawan early to signify their growing status not just as a knight, but also a Jedi Master.

Next is the calm and collected Force-wielder, the Jedi Consular:

If the Jedi Knight is all about the front lines, the Jedi Consular is more into preserving the balance of the Force. They focus more on negotiating with others before starting with violence, preferring to keep the peace instead of instigating it. Then again, a Jedi Consular is capable of defending themselves with Force abilities or even a double-blade lightsaber. They also spend much time in researching new and ancient knowledge to help their Order, as well as building new alliances for the Republic. Their methods help them acquire companions like a Trandoshan hunter and an intelligent, if somewhat manic, doctor. For their first chapter, they work on saving Jedi masters falling to a Sith ability that could threaten the Order if not put to rest.

With two kinds of Jedi out of the way, we move on to the defenders of the Republic, the Trooper:

The Trooper is the heavily armored, as well as heavily armed, defender of the Galactic Republic. Leading your own squad of trained soldiers, you take on the Empire with either a blaster rifle or the popular assault cannon. Their goal, first and foremost, is defending the Republic from its enemies, engaging in encounters that would help protect the lives of many. Over time, they will earn a squad of soldiers ready for the cause, like a serious-minded sniper, a by-the-books medic and an overly patriotic fighting droid. No matter how the results turn out, your work is all for the 'cause' to serve their Republic.

Rounding out the list of Republic classes is the sneaky Smuggler:

While not exactly loyal to the Republic, the Smuggler does aid them through some clever gunplay and sneaky attacks. They are often motivated by profit moreso than noble deeds, but their better nature can show from time to time. They gather up a loyal crew of followers, like a good natured farmboy and even a Wookie ally. Still, most times they won't engage in something unless a tidy profit can be made or some protection can be granted to them. Hence, you'll see them more often than not with the more protective Republic than the Empire.

Speaking of the Empire, lets see what classes they have in store...

Emboding the vile cunning and destructive power of the Sith, we have the Inquisitor:

Born a slave, your character was picked up by the Sith to be trained in their number. Despite your low ranking status, you manage to out maneuver and overpower your enemies with your strong connection to the Force. Aided by allies equally powerful (like an ancient alien) or equally cunning (like a marooned pirate), you quickly rise through the ranks of the Sith thanks to that sane connection. Speaking of, you will soon learn your connection to such power pretty early on and how such power would soon come to cost you...

So, if the Sith Inquisitor represents the embodiment of the order's knowledge, then the Sith Warrior is all its wrath:
Unlike the Inquisitor, you were born into the Sith. Your combat skills were unmatched and would soon get the attention of a powerful Darth. Through him, you would quickly cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. Companions you pick up would include a former Twi-lek slave and a devoted Imperial officer. For the Darth, you are a tool to exact his power over others and show that if you could beat anyone, surely they can as well. One must always be wary, of course, when dealing with such power. Enemies can be made from within...and without...

Still, the Empire isn't without forces of their own. They have the mysterious Imperial Agent:

Every shot fired under under the Imperial Agent has been, more often than not, done so under the command of Imperial Intelligence. These Agents are the hidden backbone of the Empire, supplying it with founts of knowledge of both enemy and ally, human and alien, to provide for a network of intelligence that spans across the galaxy. While an Agent may often go solo, they will still need aid in the midst of the fight, such as a tough-as-nails bodyguard and a badass ambassador of bug people. Their allegiance is unquestionable, at least for the most part. As much help as Imperial Intelligence may provide, the Sith may cause harm to them out of spite...

Last, but not least, is a powerhouse-for-hire for the Empire, the Bounty Hunter:

You aren't some soldier working for the Imperial Army; you get paid better for your work. Alive or dead, you will track down targets across the galaxy to pick up your next paycheck. It just so happens that your biggest haul will be during the Great Hunt, an event with competing hunters to gain renown and glory for their exploits. Going at it alone would be suicide, so you'll get help from your companions, like a tech-savvy hacker and veteran con-man. Be merciful or be merciless; so long as you get paid, the life of a bounty hunter is far from boring.

...and this is it for the brief overview of the beginning stories for 'The Old Republic's different classes. Depending on how things go next week, I might pop in with some of my favorite companions from each class or maybe more into the philosophy of the Force regarding the Jedi and Sith.

Who knows.

Until next time......

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