Saturday, February 20, 2016

RWBY: All Our Days

Onto the second volume of 'RWBY', which has less episodes, but also less multi-parters and more time in each episode. So, it kind of all evens out.

The volume begins with the episode 'Best Day Ever', introducing us more villains working under Cinder: Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai. They spend a bit of the intro killing someone who's trying to leave the White Fang. What a way to introduce us to this villains, eh?

Back at Beacon Academy, students from the different academys start taking hold at Haven. Among them include Sun Wukong and his team partner, Neptune Vasilias. While they meet up with team RWBY and JNPR in the academy cafeteria, The latter teams end up starting a food fight, even using literal food as their weapons.

(You can't make up stuff like this)

After much fighting and destruction, Glynda appears to fix everything and scold the teams for their violent disruptions. Ozpin, however, reminds her that they deserve some happy moments for it could get worse for them down the road. Best to let them enjoy the moments while they can.

Back with the villains, Roman meets up with Emerald, Mercury and their boss, Cinder. Roman wants more info on why he is stealing so much dust, but Cinder keeps quiet on it. Its also clear that Roman isn't a big fan of working with Emerald or Mercury.

Next episode is 'Welcome to Beacon', we are introduced to the Headmaster of Atlas Academy and its military, Ironwood. He ends up bringing a large force to Vale as a means of both showing Atlas's power and helping to defend it against any threats.

Meanwhile, Sun helps give Neptune a proper introduction to the teams during a study session/military strategy game. However, Blake herself is a bit distracted by the recent events of the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. She wants to figure out what they are exactly up to and goofing around in the off hours isn't helping them. Team RWBY decides to go for it during said off hours. Near the end, Ruby herself runs into Cinder, Emerald and Mercury disguised as actual students.

Now onto 'A Minor Hiccup', with Team RWBY donning some new outfits to go out with. Ruby and Weiss decide to do research in the recent robberies against the Schnee Company, Blake goes out to look into a White Fang rally, while Yang tries looking up an 'old associate' of hers to learn more that way. Sun and Neptune end up overhearing the planning and join in, Sun following Blake and Neptune going with Yang.

(Seriously, we only see these for two episodes and never get used again)

While visiting the Cross Continent Tower for information, Ruby and Weiss encounter Penny again, who surprisingly leaves in a hurry once she is recognized. Ruby decides to follow her to see what's up, leaving Weiss to do the research all by herself. Ruby eventually catches up to Penny, noticing her reactions to an open display of new Atlas robots and armed soldiers chasing after Penny. Ruby tries to help her escape with her speed, but ends up pushing too hard and nearly gets hit by a truck. Penny makes the save to catch said truck, though reveals to Ruby that he is in fact a robot.

A third of the way through the volume and we reach 'Painting the Town...' Yang and Neptune end up meeting the 'old associate', who happened to be a mobster whose men were hired out by Roman at the start of Volume 1. Meanwhile, Blake and Sun managed to infiltrate the White Fang meeting, seeing Roman getting the Faunus fanatics over thanks to stolen Atlas tech, including a large working mech. He quickly pics out Blake and Sun in the crowd, but the pair managed to escape. However, Roman makes pursuit with said stolen mech.

The group ends up reuniting to fight the mech, spilling it out into a freeway before taking it off road. Sun and Neptune get blasted away, but team RWBY manages to destroy the mech to get to the Roman center inside. However, he evades capture once more thanks to the arrival of the short (but hardly sweet) associate named Neo.

(Given the coloring themes going on, having her 'ice cream' based makes the last joke easier to swallow. Wait.)

Next up is 'Extracurricular', starting off with Pyrrha completely dominating a practice fight against team CRDL. Afterwards, Glynda gets a volunteer from the audience for a one on one fight against Pyrrha: Mercury. The two are more evenly matched, but Mercury calls it off before the fight can be finished. Meanwhile, Blake is too obsessed over the White Fang's work to focus properly in school, worrying the rest of her team.

Afterwards, Mercury reconvenes with Cinder and Emerald, making note of Pyrrha's fighting style and 'polarity' semblance. Cinder makes a note of her, saying that she will be 'removed' soon enough.

We've reached the halfway point of Volume 2 with 'Burning the Candle'. Ruby, Weiss and Yang work to set up the academy dance, still sad at watching Blake obsessing over the White Fang more and more. Yang resolves to fix this as Weiss resolves to get past Jaune's attempts at inviting her to the dance. Jaune gets some advice from Pyrrha, though the former remains oblivious to the latter's obvious attraction to him. Meanwhile, Yang manages to pull Blake away from her work to get it across how her stubbornness will get her killed.

Yang does this by explain that it almost killed her and Ruby when they were younger. A flashback occurs, with Yang explaining how she lost her mother after one mission and wanted to try and find her. She brought a young Ruby along to keep her company and safe. Unfortunately, Yang almost gets killed by a group of Beowolf Grimm before the arrival of her uncle, Qrow. Yang sums up that Blake needs time in between to rest and be ready. Blake ends up taking it to heart and resolves to make it up to Yang.

Later that night, the dance is in full swing, Jaune isn't able to get it with Weiss (he saw her talking with Neptune instead and thought the worst) and the evil pair Mercury and Emerald arrive as well.

Continuing with the second half of the volume is 'Dance Dance Infiltration', with Cinder attempting to break into the communications tower to install a bug. Ruby manages to follow in suit (she isn't a big fan of dances or high heels) but is unable to stop her nor able to discern her identity.

(That little mask apparently hides a lot)

Back at the dance, Jaune learns that Pyrrha wasn't able to get a date herself since she feels that she intimidates people for her abilities. She talks about enjoying Jaune's company so much because he was the first person to treat her like a regular person. Jaune resolves to make it up to her by wearing a dress (he made a remark last episode that he'd wear one if Pyrrha wasn't asked on a date prior to the dance) and the members of team JNPR dance the night away as a team.

Next episode is 'Field Trip', with Ruby being brought to the academy office to see Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood to discuss the break in (as she was the only one able to keep up with Cinder before she fled). They realize the danger that could be ahead, as well as Ruby's help in trying to stop her. After the debrief, the RWBY team try to cheer up their leader with a mail package from Ruby and Yang's father.

Its a little black corgi named Zwei (which the cat Faunus Blake isn't too receptive of at the start). The four members leave for a trip with an experienced Hunter arranged by Ozpin (who realizes that they're looking into the White Fang situation a lot and that they would deviate just to get that chance). Their assigned hunter? Their high energy history teacher, Professor Oobleck.

(See? He's even dressed for adventure!)

On to the next episode, 'Search and Destroy', with team RWBY and Oobleck arriving at an abandoned city in Vale overrun with Grimm. It is also revealed that Ruby brought along Zwei in her backpack, which Oobleck decides is quite a helpful asset to the mission. They spend most of the day hunting Grimm, though Oobleck himself asks Weiss, Blake and Yang about their thoughts on becoming a huntress. At one point, Oobleck and Ruby manage to spot a herd of giant Grimm marching around a perimeter of Vale. Here we learn of how these larger Grimm are waiting for an opportunity to strike and are more intelligent and resilient compared to their younger counterparts.

At the end of the night, the three girls wonder why Oobleck didn't think so highly of their answers to become huntresses and wonder why Ruby wasn't also questioned about it as well.

Three quarters done with the volume and we reach 'Mountain Glenn'. Weiss, Blake and Yang still think about their conversation with Oobleck and realize that it is more important to recognize the responsibility to protect others than their own personal reasons. Meanwhile, Ruby manages to stumble upon the White Fang thanks to a literal underground network. Oobleck brings up how the city used to have another underground, before the Grimm overran that as well.

Now, the White Fang have control of it, as well as a direct train line to Vale itself, requiring the hunter and huntresses to stop them. Unfortunately, Ruby gets herself captured pretty quickly and runs into Torchwick once more.

The penultimate episode is 'No Brakes', with the heroes regrouping to stop the White Fang operation, mainly the train from reaching its destination. Unfortunately, not only do the White Fang have stolen Atlas tech helping them, but also loaded bombs on end train cars that open up entries for Grimm to appear in. As Ruby, Oobleck and Zwei (yes, the dog) take care of White Fang on top of the train, the rest of team RWBY load into the train to stop it there. They end up splitting up to fight different enemies, with Yang going against Neo, Weiss against a White Fang lieutenant wielding a chainsword, and Blake taking on Roman once more.

(Told you Neo was tiny)

Yang and Weiss get their butts handed to them something fierce, though Yang gets saved from a killing blow thanks to the arrival of a mysterious stranger. Blake manages to handle her fight better (thanks to some Dust ammunition supplied by Weiss) and knocks out Roman. The team reunite as they realize the train isn't stop and that ahead of them is a collapsed exit. Weiss brings up an ice barrier around them as an explosion creates an opening for the Grimm to arrive in Vale itself.

The final episode of the volume is 'Breach'. Team RWBY tries calling in help to deal with the onslaught of Grimm, which gets answered in full. Team JNPR quickly arrives along with Professor Port and Glynda Goodwitch, as well as a more experience team of hunters in training known as Team CFVY (pronounced 'coffee') and Sun and Neptune. Heck, even the Atlas military jump in to help as well. By the end, the whole is sealed, the Grimm has stopped, and Roman is taking into custody. Team RWBY writes off today as a great success.

However, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald are still planning in the shadows. They realize that the tunnel destruction took out a lot of White Fang members, potentially making their alliance hazardous. However, one White Fang members makes sure to keep their alliance going: Adam Taurus, the White Fang partner to Blake before she left the group.

An end credits bit showed Yang meeting the stranger in a mysterious void, asking who she is. The woman removes her helmet to reveal herself as Yang's long lost mother.

Its weird how much can go on in 12 episodes than 16, am I right?

Anyway, we're about to reach RWBY's current finished volume recap soon and its going to be a doozy.

Until next time...

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