Friday, February 12, 2016

RWBY Month: Dream Come True

Welcome back to another post on the world of "RWBY". This post is mostly to go over different details concerning the world of Remnant in a list-like order. No real specific order going on, just important information to know in general.

  • The world of Remnant is populated by two intelligent species: Humans and Faunus (humanlike beings with slight animal traits, like cat ears or monkey tails).
  • All living creatures of the world (intelligent or otherwise) possess a soul, which allows them to use Aura; innate energy within the being that grants its user certain abilities and powers known as Semblances. These powers tend to change from person to person, though families can inherent the same powers.
  • Dust is a source of energy found in a crystal form. It is a natural resource capable of bestowing several different energy effects, like fire or ice. As a crystal, it is considered a limited resource, though is still quite plentiful. Its uses can range from combat to everyday use, depending on the product. However, it cannot be used outside of Remnant's planetary reach, making space travel or communication nearly impossible.
  • Grimm are soulless creatures of darkness that hunted down mankind in the early days before the discovery and use of 'Dust'. They hunt down those that express negative emotions like anger or fear. Those that survive grow older and stronger, as well as more intelligent. Their true origin is mostly a mysterious, but as creatures of darkness, they often fade into nothing once extinguished.
  • Remnant is made up of five continents, with only four major kingdoms occupying the world at large: Vale (in the center), Vacuo (to the west), Mistral (to the east) and Atlas (to the north). 
  • Hunter Academies (like Beacon in Vale) were created to help teach new hunters and huntresses the life they are heading into. Aside from combat training, they also have basic and important teaching subjects like history to help grant them an education as well.
  • The Vytal Festival is a celebration that is hosted annual, uniting the young hunters and huntresses into a competition with their teams to show off their talent, as well as to demonstrate the power of the different kingdoms.
  • Atlas (the northern most kingdom) is unique in having its academy function as part of its military. They also have a high focus in technological advancement, creating several different androids that can function in the place of regular soldiers.
  • Faunus, despite being the only other intelligent species along with humans, have had accounts of abuse tossed towards their people. In response, the 'White Fang' formed to host non-violent protests in order to help improve Faunus life. However, a change in leadership made the 'White Fang' far more violent and destructive. While this new change has brought new respect for the Faunus, it has also given them greater fear.
  • Magic is a bit of an unknown in Remnant. The closest thing to be considered 'magic' is done by the Maidens, four women that represent the different seasons and possess great power given to them by a kindly old man. 
  • You can probably tell from most of the characters that they seem to revolve around colors. This is thanks to the 'Color Naming Rule' set up by Monty Oum, which can be applied to anyone who wants to create their own fan 'RWBY' team. The rule states that a character's name must either be: A) a color, B) sound like a color, C) mean a color, or D) make people think of a color. The color could be present on the character themselves (but doesn't have to), as well as the rule applying to the name of the overall team.
  • The story in the show for this was due to a Great War in the past. One leader of a side destroyed much art in order to suppress self-expression. In response, people started naming their children after colors to keep up alive art in a manner. Nowadays, it is a tradition to keep up and continue.
  • Usually, each team is also based around similar themes as well. With the titular team 'RWBY', each member is based around a different fairy tales. Ruby with 'Little Red Riding Hood', Weiss with 'Snow White', Blake with 'Beauty and the Beast' and Yang with 'Goldilocks'.
  • Team JNPR also has a theme, but instead based around individuals who dressed up in the opposite sex. Jaune Arc is a reference to Joan of Arc (who dressed as a man), Nora Valkyrie is one to the Norse god Thor (who, in one story, disguised himself as the female god Freya), Pyrrha Nikos is one to the Greek hero Achilles (whose father made him hide out from the Trojan War by disguising him as a woman) and Lie Ren is one to Fa Mulan (who dressed up like a man to join the army)
  • There are also plenty of references from characters based on "The Wizard of Oz". Headmaster Ozpin and Glinda Goodwitch of Beacon academy are clear references to the titular wizard and good witch herself. James Ironwood, Headmaster of Atlas academy, is a noticeable reference to the Tin Woodsman of the story as well. Qrow Branwen, Ruby and Yang's uncle, could also be a reference to the Scarecrow as well, given the absent-minded (and drunken) nature of the character in RWBY.

  • Back on the subject of Grimm, it was originally believed in the world's history that Grimm were the corrupt souls of animals. New research shows that it is clearly not the case.
  • The former belief was held due to the Grimm's appearances to several known animals, like Beowulfs to wolves and Ursa to bears. With the appearance of Grimm like the Creeps (lizard-like creatures) and Griffins, it is clear that whatever created them doesn't base itself on present animals.
  • Upon death, Grimm tend to evaporate into dust and shadows, making any biological examination of their species almost impossible. Any trophies of dead Grimm you may see? Merely replicas.
  • As Grimm get older, they not only get larger, but also smarter. It isn't uncommon to see packs of smaller Grimm running around, though it is surprising to see the larger ones moving in herds. They don't really attack either, preferring a more cautious route and waiting for their time. As expected for their age, they are quite strong as well.
  • Grimm also tend to have strange white bones and 'masks' over their shadowy black bodies. The masks themselves would later be adopted in a form by the White Fang, under the belief that 'humanity made them monsters, so they don the masks of monsters'. 

Hopefully, all this gets you a better idea of what to expect in the World of Remnant and 'RWBY'. Next week, we'll be getting into some recapping for the completed three seasons. Don't worry, it won't be as long as you think.

Until next time...

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